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What Antivirus should I get for my computer?

· One min read

Its a common question – what antivirus should I get for my computer? That’s a good question – here is my recommended list:

  1. If it’s Windows 7 – get Microsoft Security Essentials!
  2. If it’s Windows 8 – don’t worry. Windows Defender should be good enough!
  3. If it’s Windows XP – get AVG Antivirus!
  4. If it’s Linux Distribution – get Clam Antivirus!
  5. If it’s OSX – get ClamXav!

Note: Bear in mind this is my own personal opinion and I am not responsible for any virus that may occur from following this recommendation!

How to schedule Windows Memory Diagnostic to Start

· One min read

Scheduling Windows Memory Diagnostic to run at next start-up is useful as it means you can easily save your work and restart your computer when you are ready without having to go into the F8 menu to start it manually. In order to schedule windows memory diagnostic to start at next boot follow the quick guide below.

  1. Click Start
  2. Click Run
  3. Type in: mdsched
  4. Select “Check for problems the next time I start my computer

Enterprise Vault Archive Explorer Blank

· One min read

Note: This needs to be done from the Enterprise Vault archiving server.

  1. Stop the EnterpriseVaultIndexingService (this will stop the other services as well)
  2. Kill the IndexBroker.exe process running on the server if running.
  3. Start EnterpriseVaultIndexingService
  4. Run an elevated command prompt and type: IISRESET /RESTART and press Ok

How to get the Lync client to redownload the address book

· One min read

Lync 2010

Log off of the Lync client and delete the profile from:


Then run the following command into an elevated command prompt to add the registry that forces the Lync client to immediately download the address book:

reg add HKLM/Software/Policies/MicrosoftCommunicator /v GalDownloadInitialDelay /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f

Lync 2013

Log off of the Lync client and delete the profile from:


Then run the following command into an elevated command prompt to add the registry that forces the Lync client to immediately download the address book:

reg add HKLMSoftwarePoliciesMicrosoftOffice15.0Lync /v GalDownloadInitialDelay /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f

Note: The Lync address book is saved in the following files on the local workstations:  GalContacts.db & GalContacts.db.idx.

How to clear the local workstations Group Policy cache

· One min read

Option 1

  1. Open My Computer/Computer
  2. In the URL or address bar paste: %windir%\system32\GroupPolicy
  3. Right click and delete the: Machine and User folders to clear local group policy cache
  4. Restart the computer to reapply the group policies

Note: You can also run: gpupdate /force on the machine to force the policy to reapply.

You can also run the little PowerShell oneliner as Administrator to remove the Group Policy folder and all files below:

#requires -Version 1.0
#Requires -RunAsAdministrator

Remove-Item "$env:windir\system32\GroupPolicy" -Force -Recurse

Option 2

  1. Delete the “HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft Key (looks like a folder).
  2. Delete the “HKCU\Software\Policies\Microsoft Key
  3. Delete the “HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Group Policy Objects Key.
  4. Delete the “HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies Key.

Option 3

  1. Remove the computer from the domain (change to a Workgroup)
  2. Restart computer
  3. Run gpupdate /force
  4. Rejoin the domain