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ntdll.dll Windows Explorer

· One min read

Having problems with Windows Explorer with the “ntdll.dll” error? This usually occurs when you are running an AMD system.


  1. Right click My Computer
  2. Click Properties
  3. Click on Advanced
  4. Click Environment Variables
  5. Look for “NLSPATH” and delete/rename it
  6. Press Ok

Another issue is with Data Execution Prevention, follow the prompts below:

  1. Click Start
  2. Click Control Panel
  3. Click System
  4. Click the Advanced Tab
  5. Click Settings
  6. Click on Data Execution Prevention
  7. Click on “Turn on DEP for all Programs and Services Except Those I Select
  8. Click Add
  9. Browse to c:Windowsexplorer.exe
  10. Click Add
  11. Click Ok
  12. Restart your machine.

WWII Battle Tanks T-34 Vs Tiger Crashing

· One min read

You need to download 3 DLLs click the links below to download and save them in a place you will remember and have easy access to for example your Desktop or Documents folder.




  1. Once the files have been downloaded extract them.
  2. Right click the files and select Copy
  3. Open My Computer
  4. Click on C:
  5. Click on Windows
  6. Go into the System32 folder
  7. Right click and left click Paste
  8. Select Yes to overwrite any files.
  9. Launch Battle Tanks

Note: Tested on Windows 7, Windows Vista

Green Line top of Youtube Video

· One min read

Getting a green line at the top of each Youtube video? It has recently be caused by a recent Adobe Update, follow the guide below to repair:

  1. Right click the Youtube video
  2. Click Flash Player Settings
  3. Make sure you are in the General settings tab (left most tab)
  4. UncheckUse Hardware Acceleration
  5. Restart your browser

How to disable Slingshots Proxy

· One min read
  1. First you need to head to “Slingshot
  2. On the right hand side, Login to Your Account.
  3. Click My Internet
  4. Click Internet Cache Settings
  5. You will see “You currently have caching ON” and below that you will “If you’d like to change your settings, Click here”
  6. Click it to turn Slingshot’s Internet Caching off
  7. Give it about one minute, then restart your Broadband modem.