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x800703F0 installing Vista SP1

· One min read

Trying to install Service Pack 1 for Windows Vista and getting “x800703F0” error? Follow the guides below to fix it.

Enable the Windows Module Installer Service

  1. Click on the Vista Orb (Start)
  2. In the search field type: services.msc > Press Enter
  3. A list of Windows Services will appear, scroll down the list and find Windows Module Installer
  4. Right click Service and select Properties
  5. Click on Start (also change the startup to Automatic)
  6. Click Ok
  7. Attempt SP1 setup again.

Set registry entries

_ _Click on the Vista Orb (Start)

  1. In the search field type: regsvr32 wintrust.dll > Press Enter
  2. In the search field type: regsvr32 rsaenh.dll  > Press Enter
  3. In the search field type: regsvr32 cryptdlg.dll > Press Enter
  4. In the search field type: regsvr32 softpub.dll> Press Enter
  5. Attempt SP1 setup again.