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Windows XP to format USB Flash drives as NTFS

· One min read

Windows XP to format USB Flash drives as NTFS

  1. Right click My Computer

  2. Click Properties

  3. Click Hardware

  4. Click Device Manager

  5. Click Disk Drives and right click your USB device.

  6. Click Properties

  7. Click Policies

  8. Click Optimize for performance.

  9. Click Apply

  10. Restart Computer

How to install a Wifi Max Wifi dongle in Windows Vista

· One min read

How to install a Wifi Max Wifi dongle in Windows Vista

  1. Download the latest drivers
  2. Run the file and go through the install.
  3. Once installation has completed plug the Wi-Fi dongle into a USB port

If you have already plugged the WifiMax dongle in before running the driver software then the WifiMax dongle will have been installed using Vistas default wireless driver. To repair this, follow the instructions below:

  1. Right click Computer
  2. Select Properties
  3. Click the Hardware Tab
  4. Select Device Manager
  5. In the list, select Network Adaptors and you should see an Atheros device.
  6. Right click the Atheros device and select Properties
  7. Click Driver and select Uninstall (make sure Delete the driver software for this device is checked).
  8. Now go down to Other Devices (still in Device Manager)
  9. Right click the USB 2.0 WLA device
  10. Select Update Driver and choose Browse My Computer For Driver
  11. Browse to the path that the drivers from the previous step were installed on, usually: C:\Program Files\ZyDAS

It should then find the correct driver and install it.

Windows 3.1 Nokia n95 Controls

· 2 min read

Running Windows 3.1 on your Nokia phone in DOSBox and forgot how to control it? The guide is below:

Using the T9 Keypad

Receive Call button -Switching between input modes

End Call button – Exit from DOSBox

Pen key –  Shift

Delete key  –  Backspace

Thumb pad  –  Arrows and Enter

Right key  –  Escape

Left key – Space

Mode 1:

First line keys = a d g j m p t w space

First line keys + Pen =: A D G J M P T W space

Second line keys + * = b e h k n q u x .

Second line keys + * = Pen + * B E H K N Q U X

Third line keys + # = c f i l o r v y

Third line keys + Pen + # = C F I L O R V Y |

Fourth line keys + 1 = s z

Fourth line keys + Pen + 1 = S Z

Mode 2:

Numbers = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0

Numbers + Pen = ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( )

Mode 3:

Thumb Pad – Moving mouse

  • = Right mouse button

# = Left mouse button


Want to actually install Windows 3.1 on your phone? Follow “this” guide from Instructables.

Windows Thumbnails not Displaying

· One min read

Click Start

Click Run

Type: regsvr32 shdocvw.dll

Press Enter

Click Start

Click Run

Type: regsvr32 thumbvw.dll

Press Enter

Click Start

Click Run

Type: regsvr32 shimgvw.dll

Press Enter

Fedora “No More Mirrors” error

· One min read
  1. Open a Terminal
  2. Type:  yum clean all (Press Enter)
  3. Type: yum check-update (Press Enter)
  4. Now attempt to install the package you were trying to install again.