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Alureon.E removal

· One min read
  1. First update and scan your computer doing a Full scan with your Antivirus to remove all traces of all infections.
  2. Now we need to remove a partition created by the rootkit to keep itself safe from removal.
  3. Click on Start
  4. Right click My Computer
  5. Click Manage
  6. Click Disk Management
  7. Now you should see a list of partitions on your drive, there should be a very small partition that will be roughly about a few megabytes and should not have a drive letter assigned to it. IGNORE C: AND EVERY OTHER PARITION/DRIVE TO AVOID LOSS OF DATA.
  8. Right click on the few megabytes unlabelled partition and left click Delete Volume.
  9. Now restart your computer and do another virus scan and you should be all clean.