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Laptop Typing Numbers instead of Letters Fix

· One min read

If you find that your Laptop’s letters have started to type numbers, the fix for this is quite simple.

  1.  At the same time press FN+Numlock

If that doesn’t work, try the following:

  1.  At the same time press Shift+Numlock

That’s it, it should be now typing letters.

MSN Keyport

· One min read
  1. Click Start
  2. Click Run
  3. Type in:  regsvr32 softpub.dll
  4. Press Enter
  5. Click Start
  6. Click Run
  7. Type in:  regsvr32 mssip32.dll
  8. Press Enter
  9. Click Start
  10. Click Run
  11. Type in: regsv32 initpki.dll
  12. Press Enter

RAGE Game Save Location

· One min read

Retail: C:\Users(your user name)\Saved Game\sid Software\Rage\base\savegame

STEAM:  Local files\program files\steam\steam\steam apps(your account)\ rage\look for game saves

HP Laserjet 3390 Usage Page

· One min read
  1. Press “Menu” button
  2. Use the arrow buttons to select “Reports
  3. Press “Enter
  4. Use the arrow keys and select “Usage Page
  5. Press “Enter

HP Printer Error 20

· One min read

Error 20 on Hewlett Packard printers means that the document you are trying to print is usually too large for the printers on board memory, could be because you have quite alot of jobs in the queue that the printer is storing. Try the following to fix it:

  1. Press the Resume button on the printer (Usually blinking Orange)
  2. If the above does not work then turn the printer off for 1 minutes to reset its memory and then on again. You should now be able to print.