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How to hide PHP errors on a WordPress installation

· One min read
  1. Using an FTP client – such as Filezilla log in to your website.
  2. Navigate to your WordPress directory
  3. Right click wp-config.php
  4. Select Edit
  5. Add:  _@ini_set(‘display_errors’, 0); _to the wp-config document – up the top is fine.
  6. Now save the document, your FTP client should now upload the changes and any PHP errors you may be displaying will be hidden.

How to import a CSV into iMail

· One min read

First – make sure iMail is closed.

  1. Open Finder
  2. Go to your OSX install HDD and navigate to: Applications
  3. Open Address Book
  4. Click on File
  5. Click Import
  6. Navigate to the location of the saved CSV (Comma Separated Values) and select it.
  7. Select Open

You have now successfully imported your contacts into iMail.

How to connect a Kindle to Wifi

· One min read
  1. Press the Home Button
  2. Press the Menu Button
  3. Select Experiment
  4. Select Launch Browser
  5. Press Menu
  6. Select Bookmarks
  7. Here you can either select a pre-selected Bookmark or enter the URL of an address you want to go to.
  8. The Wifi dialog will then launch allowing you to select your Wireless Access Point and enter in your security key (remember the security key is case sensitive).

iPhone/iPod – App Store is in Chinese

· One min read
  1. Launch App Store
  2. Select Featured (left most option – down bottom)
  3. Scroll to the bottom and select your account (the button is centered and long)
  4. Here you can change your Account country.

If the above doesn’t work – you need to either create a new iTunes account temporarily or borrow someone’s.

  1. On the iPhone/iPod go to Settings
  2. Select iTunes & App Store
  3. Log in with an English apple account.
  4. Open App Store

The App Store will switch to English – you can now logout of the English account and the iPhone/iPod will retain its language setting.

How to access the HDD on a HP Mini

· One min read
  1. Turn the laptop upside down  (make sure it is resting against a soft surface, such as a towel.)
  2. Remove the battery
  3. Behind the battery is an orange slider.
  4. Slide the orange slider left.
  5. Now push the casing forward (towards the battery end)
  6. The plastic casing will then slide off revealing the HDD and on-board CMOs battery.

Note: The HP Mini uses a 2.5″ SATA HDD