ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library) and IT (Information Technology) in general is filled with lots of abbreviations which sometimes get ahead of you – I have combined a useful list of ITIL abbreviations for quickly determining what something means. Use CTRL+F to quickly open the Find dialog of your internet browser and type in the abbreviation to display the meaning.
ACD automatic call distribution
AM availability management
AMIS availability management information system
ASP application service provider
AST agreed service time
BCM business continuity management
BCP business continuity plan
BIA business impact analysis
BMP Best Management Practice
BRM business relationship manager
BSI British Standards Institution
CAB change advisory board
CAPEX capital expenditure
CCM component capacity management
CFIA component failure impact analysis
CI configuration item
CMDB configuration management database
CMIS capacity management information system
CMM capability maturity model
CMMI Capability Maturity Model Integration
CMS configuration management system
COBIT Control OBjectives for Information and related Technology
COTS commercial off the shelf
CSF critical success factor
CSI continual service improvement
CTI computer telephony integration
DIKW Data-to-Information-to-Knowledge-to-Wisdom
DML definitive media library
ECAB emergency change advisory board
ELS early life support
eSCM–CL eSourcing Capability Model for Client Organizations
eSCM-SP eSourcing Capability Model for Service Providers
FTA fault tree analysis
IRR internal rate of return
ISG IT steering group
ISM information security management
ISMS information security management system
ISO International Organization for Standardization
ISP internet service provider
IT information technology
ITSCM IT service continuity management
ITSM IT service management
itSMF IT Service Management Forum
IVR interactive voice response
KEDB known error database
KPI key performance indicator
LOS line of service
MIS management information system
M_o_R Management of Risk
MTBF mean time between failures
MTBSI mean time between service incidents
MTRS mean time to restore service
MTTR mean time to repair
NPV net present value
OLA operational level agreement
OPEX operational expenditure
PBA pattern of business activity
PDCA Plan-Do-Check-Act
PFS prerequisite for success
PIR post-implementation review
PMBOK Project Management Body of Knowledge
PMI Project Management Institute
PMO project management office
PRINCE2 Projects IN Controlled Environments
PSO projected service outage
QA quality assurance
QMS quality management system
RACI responsible, accountable, consulted and informed
RCA root cause analysis
RFC request for change
ROA return on assets
ROI return on investment
RPO recovery point objective
RTO recovery time objective
SAC service acceptance criteria
SACM service asset and configuration management
SAM software asset management
SCM service capacity management
SCMIS supplier and contract management information system
SDP service design package
SFA service failure analysis
SIP service improvement plan
SKMS service knowledge management system
SLA service level agreement
SLM service level management
SLP service level package
SLR service level requirement
SMART specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound
SMIS security management information system
SMO service maintenance objective
SoC separation of concerns
SOP standard operating procedure
SOR statement of requirements
SOX Sarbanes-Oxley (US law)
SPI service provider interface
SPM service portfolio management
SPOF single point of failure
TCO total cost of ownership
TCU total cost of utilization
TO technical observation
TOR terms of reference
TQM total quality management
UC underpinning contract
UP user profile
VBF vital business function
VOI value on investment
WIP work in progress