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How to export local group policy settings into a HTML report

· One min read
  1. Press the Windows Key + R to open the Run dialogue box
  2. Type in cmd and press Enter
  3. This will load the Windows Command Prompt
  4. Using the CD (change directory) command – change your directory to where you want to save the report… for example, “cd Desktop” will change to your Desktop.
  5. Type in: gpresult /h LocalGrpPolReport.html and press Enter

This will then load the group policy snap-in in the background and generate an HTML page called: “LocalGrpPolReport.html” that you will be able to open and see what policies have been applied to that local machine and which policies are taking precedence over others.

.NET Framework not installing through SCCM

· One min read
  1. Click Start
  2. Click Run and type in: services.msc
  3. Stop the Automatic Update service
  4. Navigate to: C:\Windows
  5. Delete the: SoftwareDistribution folder
  6. Start the Automatic Update service
  7. Double click on the SCCM Update icon in the notification tray and select Install & Install now.

Unable to right click in Microsoft Excel

· One min read

This is fixed by removing the Excel11.xlb excel template file located in the following locations:

Win7 32bit:

C:/Program Files/Microsoft Office/Office14/XLSTART


Win7 64bit:

C:/Program Files(x86)/Microsoft Office/Office14/XLSTART


Note: Make sure Excel is closed before attempted to remove this file – Excel will automatically generate a new Excel11.xlb template.

Windows Server 2012 - This computer’s hardware may not support booting to this disk.

· One min read

This usually occurs when you are using a new SATA or solid-state drive that hasn’t been initialized yet.

  1. To fix this issue – use the Windows Server 2012 device manager tools during setup to create the partition on the hard drive that you are attempting to install to. You can use this opportunity to layout any extra partitions that you may need.

Clear Print Queue from Printer Installer

· One min read
  1. Open the Printer Installer admin interface
  2. Login with your Printer Installer details.
  3. You are now logged into the Printer Installer Admin panel
  4. In the search field up the top – type in the Print Queue name of the printer – once found select to bring up the printer’s configuration.
  5. Click on Queue (top menu bar)
  6. SelectDelete all – to delete all queued jobs. This could take a few minutes.