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How to show Administrative Tools in Windows 8

· One min read

Windows 8 (and Windows 8.1) – allows for RSAT (Remote Server Administration Tools) just like the previous versions of Windows for remote management of Server 2012 – however you need to reveal or show it.

By default however – this is hidden from the Metro Title menu and you have to enable it – follow the quick guide below to show the Administrative Tools in Windows 8.

  1. Open the Start screen.
  2. Hit Windows Key + C to bring up the charms bar.
  3. Click Settings on the right charms bar.
  4. Click Tiles.
  5. Click the Show Administrative Tools

Create VHD in Windows 7 - Windows

· One min read

Want to create a VHD in Windows 7? Why? You may ask… would you use a VHD?

Using a VHD as a “virtual disk” you can easily use it as a self-contained “folder” or storage mechanism, you can also use it to install operating systems onto allowing to run dual booted operating systems with only one hard drive and not having to worry about partition ids. Creating VHD files in Windows 7 is remarkably easy – follow the guide below:

  1. Click the Start button in Windows 7, type in diskmgmt.msc, and hit Enter.

  2. Click the Action menu and select Create VHD.

  3. Enter a location, such as C:VHDWindows.vhd. Set the size. Dynamic VHD files start out small and only grow with data written to the virtual disk.

  4. Click OK and the file is created.

How to enable numlock on startup in Windows 8

· One min read

If you are like me – you rely heavily on the Num Lock key and having it disabled on boot is extremely annoying – using a quick registry change you can enable Numlock by default in Windows 8.


  1. Press the Windows Key to open the Tile (Metro) screen
  2. Type: regedit to search for the Windows Registry Editor and press Enter.
  3. When the Registry Editor loads – navigate through:
  4. HKEY_USERS,.DEFAULT, Control Panel, and Keyboard.
  5. Locate the InitialKeyboardIndicators entry and right-click it, select Modify.
  6. Enter 2 into the box.
  7. Click OK to save the changes.

How to disable Numlock on Startup

Follow the same steps till: Step 6 than instead of 2 type: 2147483648.

Changing your user photo in Windows 8

· One min read

Changing your user photo in Windows 8 is remarkably easy and helps make a standard Windows 8 installation… More… You!

  1. Open the Start screen and click your user picture
  2. Click Change Account Picture.
  3. Click the Browse button.
  4. Navigate the browser until you find an image you want to use and click it.
  5. Select Choose Image.
  6. Done – you have now changed your Account Picture.

Windows 8 Hotkeys

· One min read

Navigating around Windows 8 can be a lot faster and more efficient with the use of keyboard shortcuts called Hotkeys – the below guide is a list of Windows 8 hotkeys for navigating the user interface.

Windows Key – Opens the Start screen
Windows Key+Tab – Metro app switcher
Windows Key+C – System charms
Windows Key+Z – Application charms
Windows Key+I – Settings menu
Windows Key+K – Devices menu
Windows Key+H – Share menu
Windows Key+F – Search files on Start screen
Windows Key+Q – Application search on Start screen
Windows Key+W – Settings search on Start screen
Windows Key+. (Period) – Snap Metro app to the right side of the screen
Windows Key+Shift+. (Period) – Snap Metro app to the left side of the screen (only works on wide-screen monitors)