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Remove old PowerShell modules versions using PowerShell

· One min read

Did you know, that if you update PowerShell modules, the old versions can sometimes get left behind?

This little snippet with remove any old PowerShell modules (that are not the latest version), which are installed.

#requires -Version 2.0 -Modules PowerShellGet
function Remove-OldModules
authors: [Luke] Murray (Luke.Geek.NZ)
Version: 0.1
Purpose: Basic function to remove old PowerShell modules which are installed

$Latest = Get-InstalledModule
foreach ($module in $Latest) {

Write-Verbose -Message "Uninstalling old versions of $($module.Name) [latest is $( $module.Version)]" -Verbose
Get-InstalledModule -Name $module.Name -AllVersions | Where-Object {$_.Version -ne $module.Version} | Uninstall-Module -Verbose


Add Log Analytics to Monitoring Agent with PowerShell

· 2 min read

Have you ever wanted to add a Log Analytics workspace to multiple Microsoft Monitoring Agent (MMA)'s before?

Maybe you are setting up Windows Defender or wanting to redirect to collect event or performance logs.

This little quick script will help get you started on automating adding a Log Analytics workspace to the MMA agent, even through a proxy.

Note: It is recommended to have the latest MMA Agent installed, this is not compatible with SCOM 2012 R2 agents, but the latest agent is supported by SCOM.



Author: Luke Murray (Luke.Geek.NZ)
Version: 0.1
Version History:

Purpose: Add an MMA agent to a Log Analytics workspace using a proxy with no user authentication.
Find more options about the MMA Agent Object:
#$healthServiceSettings = New-Object -ComObject 'AgentConfigManager.MgmtSvcCfg'
#$proxyMethod = $healthServiceSettings | Get-Member -Name 'SetProxyInfo'

If script is being published by Configuration as a package, create a Command Line installer:
"%Windir%\sysnative\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command .\Add_LogAnalyticsWorkspace.ps1

If the proxy requires authentication, then the following null entries need to be replaced with user,password: $mma.SetProxyInfo("$proxy","$null","$null"). If you aren't using a proxy then you can remove the entire mma.SetProxyInfo line.


$proxy = 'ProxyIP:PORT'
$mma = New-Object -ComObject 'AgentConfigManager.MgmtSvcCfg'
$mma.AddCloudWorkspace($workspaceId, $workspaceKey)

Update your Azure WebApp to be Always On

· 3 min read

By default, Azure Web Apps are unloaded if they are idle for a set period of time (20 minutes). This way, the system can conserve resources.

The downside is that the response to the first request after the web app is unloaded is longer, as the Web App has to load into memory and present itself, which could lead to a bad user experience.

To ensure that the Azure App Service Web App is running and always available to respond to incoming HTTP(S) requests, can be set the "Always On" configuration feature to "On".


By setting the "Always On" feature of the App Service Web App to “On”, will ensure that Azure will always keep an instance of the Web App running at all times. This way when a user/client hits the Azure Front Door endpoint, the back-end Web App will always be ready to respond to that request without timing out. This will ensure the application is always available even during times of low usage or inactivity. Azure will continuously ping the website to keep the website alive.

Enabling "Always On" keeps your Apps always loaded, even when there is no traffic. It’s required for example when using continuous Web Jobs or for Web Jobs that are triggered using a CRON expression, this feature is similar to the Internet Information Services (IIS) idle time-out property.

Disabling "Always On" makes your Apps unloaded if they are idle for a set period of time. This way, the system can conserve resources. This is the reason “Always On” is set as disabled by default.

You need a minimum of Basic and Standard App Service Tiers to enable "Always On"

Having "Always On" off or on does not affect your billing or pricing, the Azure App Service billing is done at the App Service Plan level, which is charged per hour that the App Service Plan exists and is running, this is charged whether you have a WebApp or its set to "Always On" or not.

Configure Always On

Note: Any changes to applications settings and connection strings could restart your application, so make sure that you schedule this during a period you can have an intermittent outage.

  1. Log in to the Azure Portal
  2. Find your App Service and open it
  3. In the left hand Blade, under Configuration, select General Settings App Service - General Settings
  4. Navigate down to Platform Settings and click 'On' to Always On App Service - Always On
  5. Click Save

Configure Always On through Azure Policy

The Azure policy below, contains a set of 3 policies which used in combination should ensure that your web app is always on. Since the alwaysOn property is optional in the ARM deployment, a combination of 3 policies are required to ensure true compliance in the environment.


For more information about the "Always On" feature please see the documentation below:

Update your Azure WebApp to use your timezone

· 2 min read

By default, the timezone in Microsoft Azure defaults to UTC (Universal Coordinated Time) as a standard, as a universal and consistent timezone, this makes sense - however when troubleshooting issues or attempting to schedule jobs, having the time in UTC may add additional confusion. An Azure WebApp is no exception to UTC as a standard, however, this can be changed.

As I am in 'New Zealand', I will be setting my WebApp (which is hosted in Australia East) to NZ time from UTC.

I will be using a Windows-based App Service, for this article.

Find the Timezone

The Azure App Service uses the same naming standard as Windows.

  1. To find the correct name, run the following PowerShell snippet on a Windows PC:

    Get-ChildItem -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Time Zones' | Select-Object PSChildName

Windows Terminal - Timezone

This will list all the compatible Timezone names, because I am in New Zealand, I now know that: 'New Zealand Standard Time' is the correct syntax.

For future reference, I have exported the list of compatible timezones into a CSV file below:

Set the Timezone

Making a change to the Application Settings, which includes setting the Timezone will restart the WebApp app pool, so make sure this is scheduled at a time it is acceptable for an intermittent outage.

  1. Log in to the Azure Portal
  2. Find your Azure WebApp and open it up
  3. On the left-hand side Blade, underneath Settings, click on Configuration
  4. Click on + New Application Setting
  5. Type in the following Key/Value pair: WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE | New Zealand Standard Time
  6. Click Ok
  7. Click Save to confirm and save the change.

Azure WebApp - Timezone

Test the Timezone

  1. Log in to the Azure Portal
  2. Find your Azure WebApp and open it up
  3. On the left-hand side Blade, underneath Development Tools, click on Console
  4. Type the following into the console:
  • Time
  • Date

These commands can help you confirm, that the Date and Time now your Timezone, the Azure WebApp logs etc will now be updated to use your timezone.

Azure App Service - Console

Run PowerShell App Deployment Toolkit in Datto RMM

· 2 min read

The PowerShell App Deployment Toolkit provides a set of functions to perform common application deployment tasks and to interact with the user during deployment. It simplifies the complex scripting challenges of deploying applications in the enterprise, provides a consistent deployment experience and improves installation success rates.

PowerShell App Deployment Toolkit

Although the PowerShell App Deployment Toolkit, makes application installation a lot more visible and gives your users more control over how and when the Application is installed, due to some technical limitations, you can't run the PowerShell App Deployment Toolkit, directly from the Datto RMM package store.

This is a brief article, intended to help other people who may be using the App Deployment Toolkit with Datto RMM.


#This is the name of the zip file in the component. Make sure that the PowerShell App Deployment Toolkit is zipped.
$ZipFile = ""
#This will create a folder called: C:\Temp (these folders can be changed to suit your requirements)
Mkdir c:\Temp -Force
#This will create a folder called: C:\Temp\DesktopSOE\ (these folders can be changed to suit your requirements)
Mkdir C:\Temp\DesktopSOE\ -Force
#This will then copy your PowerShellAppDeployment Toolkit to a folder, outside of the CentraStage Packagestore location.
Copy-Item -Path "$ZipFile" -Destination "C:\Temp\$ZipFile" -Recurse
$DestinationFolder = $ZipFile.Split(".")[0]
#This will then extract your PowerShell App Deployment Toolkit and run it.
Expand-Archive -Path "c:\temp\$ZipFile" -DestinationPath "C:\Temp\DesktopSOE\" -Force
Invoke-Command { c:\temp\DesktopSOE\Deploy-Application.exe }

Note: You may also need to navigate to: AppDeployToolkitConfig.xml, and change the: <Toolkit_RequireAdmin> attribute to False, to avoid issues with UAC (User Access Control).

I also ran my component as:

  • Only Run when the user is logged in
  • Only run if User has Administrator rights