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Disable SFTP support on an Azure Storage account on a Schedule

· 7 min read

Azure Storage account SFTP functionality has now gone GA (Generally Available) across most regions as part of the GA release - SFTP support for Azure Storage accounts was free while it was in preview - but now that the service is GA - there is an additional charge for SFTP (Secure File Transfer) functionality.

Enabling the SFTP endpoint has a cost of $0.30 per hour. We will start applying this hourly cost on or after December 1, 2022.

This service has worked for me without a hitch for months, but as with most resources in Microsoft Azure - you pay for what you use! Therefore, there may be instances where you do not need SFTP support 24 hours a day, seven days a week! This is where the following Azure Automation runbook can help.

Feel free to check out a previous article on setting up SFTP support for an Azure storage account.


Using an Azure Automation PowerShell runbook and Schedules (as part of the Azure Automation account) - we can turn on the SFTP endpoint - when we need it and disable it - the rest of the time - which is excellent from a security and cost perspective.


To do this, we will need an:

  • Azure Automation Account
  • System Managed Identity set with Storage Account Contributor rights
  • PowerShell runbook (supplied below)

For this article, I will assume you already have an Azure Automation account - if you do not - then follow the Microsoft documentation: Create a standalone Azure Automation account.

Deploy & Configure

Now that the Azure Automation account has been configured and set up - we need to add the Runbook, but before we can do that - there are some dependencies. For example, SFTP is a new service that the currently installed Az Modules in the Azure Automation don't have visibility on - so to configure the SFTP service - we need to update 2 Modules to the most recent version.

These modules are:

  • Az.Accounts (≥ 2.10.3)
  • Az.Storage

Az.Accounts are a dependent service of the latest Az.Storage account, so let us import that first.

Update Az.Accounts module
  1. In the Azure Portal, navigate to Azure Automation accounts.
  2. Find your Azure Automation account and, click on it, navigate to Modules (under Shared resources).
  3. Select Browse Gallery
  4. Search for: Az.Accounts
  5. Import Az.Accounts
  6. Click 'Az.Accounts' and select Select.
  7. Set the runtime version to: 5.1 & select import
  8. Wait for 5 minutes while the module imports.
Update Az.Storage module

Note: the Az.The accounts module will need to finish its import before the Az.The storage module is updated.

  1. In the Azure Portal, navigate to Azure Automation accounts.
  2. Find your Azure Automation account and, click on it, navigate to Modules (under Shared resources).
  3. Select Browse Gallery
  4. Search for: Az.Storage
  5. Import  Az.Storage
  6. Click 'Az.Storage' and select Select.
  7. Set the runtime version to: 5.1 & select import
  8. Wait for 5 minutes while the module imports.
Create System Managed Identity

Now that the base Modules have been updated, we need to create a System Managed Identity - this Managed Identity will allow the Azure Automation runbook to authenticate to your Azure resources - and, in our example - make changes, such as Disabling or Enabling the SFTP service. This System Managed Identity will need Storage Account Contributor rights.

  1. In the Azure Portal, navigate to Azure Automation accounts.
  2. Find your Azure Automation account and click on it; click on Identity (under Account Settings)
  3. Select Status to: On and select Save
  4. Click on: Azure role assignments
    1. Select your Scope (in our example, we will go with Storage - to limit what changes this Azure Automation account can make)
    2. Select the Subscription and Storage account Resource on which you want to disable or enable the SFTP service.
    3. For the role, select Storage Account Contributor.
    4. Click Save

You should now see the Azure automation account, listed as having Storage account contributor rights - under your Automation account's Access Control (IAM) blade.

Import Runbook - Set-AzStgFTP.ps1

Now that the AzAccounts, Az.Storage modules have been updated, and the Azure Automation account has been given permission - to enable and disable the SFTP service on the storage account- it's time to import the Runbook that will make this happen.

  1. In the Azure Portal, navigate to Azure Automation accounts.

  2. Find your Azure Automation account and, click on it, navigate to Runbooks (under Process Automation).

  3. Click + Create a Runbook

  4. Enter your runbook name (i.e. Set-AzSFTP)

  5. Select the Runbook type as PowerShell

  6. Select the Runtime version as: 5.1

  7. [Optional] Add a description of what this Runbook does and who to contact.

  8. Click Create

  9. Open the newly created blank Runbook, and select Edit

  10. Copy the following PowerShell script into the Edit pane:

    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,Position = 0, HelpMessage = 'Enter the Azure Resource Group, that contains your Azure Storage account')]

    [Parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = 'Enter the Azure Storage account name')]

    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = '$True = Enable SFTP & $False = Disable SFTP')][ValidateSet('False','True')]

    Disables or enables SFTP support on an Azure Storage Account.
    Disables or enables SFTP support on an Azure Storage Account. The intention is for this script to be used in Azure Automation, alongside a Schedule to enable or disable SFTP support on an Azure Storage Account.

    Set-AzStgSFTP -resourceGroupName sftp_prod -storageAccountName sftpprod0 -EnableSFTP $true

    # Ensures you do not inherit an AzContext in your runbook
    Disable-AzContextAutosave -Scope Process

    Import-Module -Name Az.Storage
    # Connect to Azure with system-assigned managed identity
    $AzureContext = (Connect-AzAccount -Identity).context

    Write-Output -InputObject $AzureContext
    Write-Output -InputObject $AzureContext.Subscription
    Write-Output -InputObject $resourceGroupName
    Write-Output -InputObject $storageAccountName
    Write-Output -InputObject $EnableSFTP
    # set and store context
    $AzureContext = Set-AzContext -SubscriptionName $AzureContext.Subscription -DefaultProfile $AzureContext

    $SetSFTP = [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($enableSftp)

    $SFTPStatusBefore = Get-AzStorageAccount -DefaultProfile $AzureContext -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -Name $storageAccountName | Select-Object -ExpandProperty EnableSftp

    $Status = $SFTPStatusBefore -replace 'True', 'Enabled' -replace 'False', 'Disabled'

    Write-Output -InputObject ('SFTP for {0} currently has SFTP set to: {1} before update.' -f $storageAccountName, $Status)

    Set-AzStorageAccount -DefaultProfile $AzureContext -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -Name $storageAccountName -EnableSftp $SetSFTP

    $SFTPStatusAfter = Get-AzStorageAccount -DefaultProfile $AzureContext -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -Name $storageAccountName | Select-Object -ExpandProperty EnableSftp

    $Status = $SFTPStatusAfter -replace 'True', 'Enabled' -replace 'False', 'Disabled'

    Write-Output -InputObject ('SFTP for {0} currently has SFTP set to: {1} after update.' -f $storageAccountName, $Status)
  11. Click Save

  12. Click Publish

Run Runbook - Set-AzStgFTP

Now that the Runbook is imported, we need to run it.

The Runbook uses the following parameters:

resourceGroupNameEnter the name of the Azure Resource Group, that contains your Azure Storage account.
storageAccountNameEnter the name of your Azure Storage account.
enableSftpThe following boolean values are accepted: False (Disable SFTP) and True (Enable SFTP).
  1. Next, find your Runbook, and select Start.
  2. Enter your parameters, Resource Group, Storage Account and Enable SFTP.
  3. Start Azure Automation runbook
  4. Click Ok
  5. The Runbook will run, and as you can see - outputs its state Before the Runbook ran and after.
  6. Azure Automation - Run

Once working correctly, you can set up an Azure Automation schedule to trigger the runbook to enable and disable the SFTP when needed only!

Deploy Azure-Firewall-mon to a Static Web App

· 11 min read

Azure-Firewall-mon is a near real-time Azure Firewall log viewer.

Azure-Firewall-mon provides an alternative_and_opinable 😊 way to access and inspect Azure Firewall logs. The recommended approach for analysing Azure Firewall logs is to set up a Log Analytics Workspace to collect all the data and use Kusto (KQL) queries to check what's happening.

In Azure-Firewall-mon, the idea is to provide an approach much more like Sysinternals Process Monitor or Check Point's SmartView, where there is no queries or dashboards that you need to implement first to get working. Still, all events are available as a log stream. In addition, a full-text search at the top of the page lets you quickly filter the content displayed on the screen, helping you understand what is happening right now (or close to present).


Azure-Firewall-mon (AFM or Azure Firewall Monitor) is a custom solution (currently in a functional beta) created by an Italian Microsoft Cloud Solution Architect called: Nicola Delfino, its worth mentioning that although a Microsoft CSA makes AFM, IT IS NOT A SUPPORTED MICROSOFT PRODUCT.

Monitoring Azure Firewall can be a pain - with trawling through logs - using the Azure Firewall Workbook - helps fill in the gap - especially around the application and network rule traffic. Still, you may want something more straightforward and designed for real-time traffic to assist with in-the-moment troubleshooting.

Azure-Firewall-mon is an open-source, single Page Application written in Angular and hosted on an Azure WebApp - so to use this, you don't need to deploy to your environment.. add in an Event Hub connection string, and away you go (there is also a demo mode - so you can see what the experience will be like)!

az-firewall-mon landing page az-firewall-mon landing page

We can deploy it to an Azure Static Web App for those who would instead host it in our environment.

"Azure Static Web Apps is a service that automatically builds and deploys full-stack web apps to Azure from a code repository. When you create an Azure Static Web Apps resource, Azure interacts directly with GitHub or Azure DevOps to monitor a branch of your choice. Every time you push commits or accept pull requests into the watched branch, a build is automatically run and your app and API is deployed to Azure."

Azure Static WebApps - Overview



Today, we are going to deploy Azure-Firewall-mon into an Azure Static Web App - to do this; we will need the following prerequisites:

  • A GitHub account
  • An Azure subscription_(with permissions to deploy Event Hub, deploy an Azure Static WebApp, and configure Diagnostics on the Azure Firewall)_
  • Azure Firewall (provisioned)

Note: Also, ensure that your Event Hub is in the same region as your Azure Firewall so that you can use Diagnostics settings. Regarding the Azure Static WebApp - it doesn't matter; this is a global service - and you will be entering the Event Hub listener.

We will use the Azure Portal and a browser to provision the workflow (however, I will have added Azure Bicep to the bottom of the article for reference).

This article - assumes you have basic knowledge of GitHub and Microsoft Azure.

For this demo, I am using a Hub & Spoke Azure topology.

Azure Firewall Monitor - High Level Architecture

Fork the GitHub repository

The first thing we need to do is clone the Azure-Firewall-mon repository; this repository holds the source control of Azure-Firewall-mon. First, however, we need a clone of it - to use in our Static Web App - this will also allow us to pull down and build the latest changes and updates of the Azure-Firewall-mon tool while having the stability of maintaining your version of the device.

  1. In your favourite browser of choice, navigate to:
  2. Click Fork (top right of the repository)
  3. GitHub - Create a new fork
  4. Click Create fork
  5. You have now created a fork of the 'azure-firewall-mon' repository; when a new update of Azure-Firewall-mon comes out - you can also select 'Sync fork' - to keep your fork up-to-date and trigger a new build.

Create Static Web App and deploy azure-firewall-mon

Now that you have created a fork, it's time to make your Azure Static WebApp!

  1. Navigate to the Azure Portal
  2. Click + Create a resource
  3. Type in: Static Web App
  4. Select and click Create
  5. Create or select a Resource Group
  6. Type in the name of your Static Web App
  7. For the plan type, we will go with Free
  8. Please select your region (this is the staging environment used to create your resource so the Azure Static Web App can then be replicated geographically).
  9. Select Source, as GitHub
  10. Click Sign in with GitHub (and sign in with an account with access to the GitHub Repository fork of azure-firewall-mon created earlier).
  11. Authorise the Azure Static Web Apps to have access to your repositories
  12. Select your organisation and the azure-firewall-mon repository you forked earlier.
  13. Select 'main' for the branch
  14. Under Build Presents, select Angular
  15. For App location, enter "/firewall-mon-app/"
  16. Leave the API location empty
  17. For the Output location, enter: "dist/firewall-mon-app"
  18. Azure Static WebApps - Angular Build
  19. If you navigate to your own forked GitHub repository, you should see a new folder created under .github/workflows - and a new GitHub Actions workflow file!
  20. Create Azure Static WebApp - Angular - Azure Portal
  21. If you select Actions in GitHub, you should see a deployment start.
  22. After roughly 5 minutes, your Azure Static App - will have deployed azure-firewall-mon!
  23. Navigate to your newly created Azure Static App in the Azure Portal
  24. Click Browse
  25. You should now see azure-firewall-mon!
  26. azure-firewall-mon

Note: In GitHub, under Actions and the Build and Deploy Job, you may see a message about Note.js 12 actions being deprecated; you can set the node version to be higher.

Add the step to set the node version below submodules and above the Build and Deploy step:

      - uses: actions/setup-node@v1
node-version: "18.x"

Refer to a copy of my Github Actions file here: AzureStaticWebAppsCICD.yml for a comparison of GitHub action - a setup-node step running on the latest version of 18.

Create Event Hub namespace and shared access policy

Even if you use the externally hosted version of Azure Firewall Monitor, you still need an Event Hub and Namespace to stream the events from our Azure Firewall to the Azure Firewall Monitor.

  1. Navigate to the Azure Portal

  2. Click + Create a resource

  3. Type in: Event Hubs

  4. Select and click Create

  5. Select your subscription and Resource Group;

  6. Type in the Namespace of the event hub (i.e. AzureFirewallMonitor)

  7. Select your location (make sure this is the same region as your Azure Firewall)

  8. Select your Pricing Tier (in this example, I am going with Basic)

  9. Click Review + create

  10. Once the Namespace has been created, it's time to make our Event Hub; navigate to your newly created AzFirewallMonitor namespace.

  11. Under Entitles, click + Event Hub

  12. Under the name, enter the Event Hub name (i.e. AzMonitorCapture)

  13. Leave the defaults (and Message retention to 1 day)

  14. Click Review + Create

  15. Click Create

  16. Create Azure Event Hub

  17. Now that the Event Hub is created, we need to create a Shared access policy; in the Event Hub namespace, click on Shared access policies.

  18. Click + Add

  19. Type in a Policy name(i.e. AzMonitorListener)

  20. Select Send

  21. Click Create

  22. Azure Event Hub - Create shared access policy

    Configure Azure Firewall to stream to Event Hub and run Azure Firewall monitor

    Now that we have an Event Hub configured and a Shared access policy set to Listen - it's time to configure the Azure Firewall to direct logs to the Namespace.

  23. Navigate to the Azure Portal

  24. Navigate to your Azure Firewall

  25. Select Diagnostic Settings

  26. Click + Add diagnostic setting

  27. Azure Firewall - Diagnostic Settings

  28. Type in a Diagnostic setting name (i.e. AzureFirewallMonitor)

  29. Select All Logs

  30. Select Stream to an event hub

  31. Select your subscription, event hub namespace, event hub and policy created earlier.

  32. Azure Firewall - Diagnostic setting

  33. Click Save

  34. Please navigate back to your Event Hub namespace and select your Event Hub entity; now, we need to create a Shared access policy to Listen (for the entity, not the Namespace)

  35. Click Shared access policies, and create a new Shared access policy with Listen.

  36. Copy the Connection string-primary key

  37. Navigate to your newly created Azure Static App in the Azure Portal

  38. Click Browse

  39. You should now see azure-firewall-mon, and enter in the Connection string-primary key copied earlier!

  40. Congratulations you have now set up Azure Firewall Monitor on an Azure Static Web App and can troubleshoot your Azure Firewall quickly in real-time!

  41. Run Azure Firewall Monitor

References: GitHub Action

name: Azure Static Web Apps CI/CD

- main
types: [opened, synchronize, reopened, closed]
- main

if: github.event_name == 'push' || (github.event_name == 'pull_request' && github.event.action != 'closed')
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
name: Build and Deploy Job
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
submodules: true

- uses: actions/setup-node@v1
node-version: "18.x"
- name: Build And Deploy
id: builddeploy
uses: Azure/static-web-apps-deploy@v1
azure_static_web_apps_api_token: ${{ secrets.AZURE_STATIC_WEB_APPS_API_TOKEN_POLITE_CLIFF_06D4C2810 }}
repo_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} # Used for Github integrations (i.e. PR comments)
action: "upload"
###### Repository/Build Configurations - These values can be configured to match your app requirements. ######
# For more information regarding Static Web App workflow configurations, please visit:
app_location: "/firewall-mon-app/" # App source code path
api_location: "" # Api source code path - optional
output_location: "dist/firewall-mon-app" # Built app content directory - optional

###### End of Repository/Build Configurations ######

if: github.event_name == 'pull_request' && github.event.action == 'closed'
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
name: Close Pull Request Job
- name: Close Pull Request
id: closepullrequest
uses: Azure/static-web-apps-deploy@v1
azure_static_web_apps_api_token: ${{ secrets.AZURE_STATIC_WEB_APPS_API_TOKEN_POLITE_CLIFF_06D4C2810 }}
action: "close"

References: Azure Bicep

Below are some Azure Bicep references:

Azure Static Web App
param staticSites_AzFw_Mon_name string = 'AzFw-Mon'

resource staticSites_AzFw_Mon_name_resource 'Microsoft.Web/staticSites@2022-03-01' = {
name: staticSites_AzFw_Mon_name
location: 'Central US'
sku: {
name: 'Free'
tier: 'Free'
properties: {
repositoryUrl: ''
branch: 'main'
stagingEnvironmentPolicy: 'Enabled'
allowConfigFileUpdates: true
provider: 'GitHub'
enterpriseGradeCdnStatus: 'Disabled'
Event Hub
param namespaces_AzFirewallMonitor_name string = 'AzFirewallMonitor'
param location string = resourceGroup().location

resource namespaces_AzFirewallMonitor_name_resource 'Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces@2022-01-01-preview' = {
name: namespaces_AzFirewallMonitor_name
location: 'Australia East'
sku: {
name: 'Basic'
tier: 'Basic'
capacity: 1
properties: {
minimumTlsVersion: '1.2'
publicNetworkAccess: 'Enabled'
disableLocalAuth: false
zoneRedundant: true
isAutoInflateEnabled: false
maximumThroughputUnits: 0
kafkaEnabled: false

resource namespaces_AzFirewallMonitor_name_AzMonitorListner 'Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/authorizationrules@2022-01-01-preview' = {
parent: namespaces_AzFirewallMonitor_name_resource
name: 'AzMonitorListner'
location: location
properties: {
rights: [

resource namespaces_AzFirewallMonitor_name_azmonitorcapture 'Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/eventhubs@2022-01-01-preview' = {
parent: namespaces_AzFirewallMonitor_name_resource
name: 'azmonitorcapture'
location: location
properties: {
messageRetentionInDays: 1
partitionCount: 2
status: 'Active'

resource namespaces_AzFirewallMonitor_name_default 'Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/networkRuleSets@2022-01-01-preview' = {
parent: namespaces_AzFirewallMonitor_name_resource
name: 'default'
location: location
properties: {
publicNetworkAccess: 'Enabled'
defaultAction: 'Allow'
virtualNetworkRules: []
ipRules: []

resource namespaces_AzFirewallMonitor_name_azmonitorcapture_AzMonitor 'Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/eventhubs/authorizationrules@2022-01-01-preview' = {
parent: namespaces_AzFirewallMonitor_name_azmonitorcapture
name: 'AzMonitor'
location: location
properties: {
rights: [
dependsOn: [


resource namespaces_AzFirewallMonitor_name_azmonitorcapture_Default 'Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/eventhubs/consumergroups@2022-01-01-preview' = {
parent: namespaces_AzFirewallMonitor_name_azmonitorcapture
name: '$Default'
location: location
properties: {
dependsOn: [


Official Microsoft Community Calls

· 2 min read

You don't have a be a Microsoft MVP to engage with Microsoft product teams, and help give feedback! One of the best ways that the Microsoft product teams engage with the community- is through Public Community Calls!

Here is a list of the community calls across Microsoft Azure products.

Azure Landing Zone Landing Zones news roundup and updates
Microsoft 365 Platform Community specifically Azure related, but related more to the M365/Modern workspace.
Windows Customer Connection specifically Azure related, but related more to the Windows OS (Operating System)
Azure Development Community Call Developers Community Call
Azure Governance & Deployments as the ARM/Bicep community call. Also features Azure Policy.
Cloud Security is a 'Private' community. Meaning that feedback for Cloud security products (Defender, Sentinel etc) is under NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement). A great community to get early feedback and testing, to help the products grow.
Azure ARM/Bicep Community Calls
Azure Arc
PowerShell Community Call

There may be other communities I have missed - so feel free to add links in the comments.

Up-to-date links to additional public Microsoft community calls can also be found on the AWESOME-Azure-Architecture list.

Microsoft Ignite 2022 - Azure Infrastructure Microsoft Documentation Updates

· 22 min read

Microsoft Ignite is an annual conference held by Microsoft for IT Professionals and Cloud builders - each year is a flurry of new announcements and updates! Keeping track of the changes can be a full-time job during the week (and beyond!)!

Make sure you check out the Microsoft Ignite 2022 Book of News! For a consolidated list of features and releases!

Also, check out AzureFeeds - for a consolidated feed across all Microsoft changes!

Along with the product pages, current and new Microsoft documentation have been updated to align with these new products, features and changes!

The pages that have been updated focussed on:

  • Azure Infrastructure
  • M365
  • Security

It can be found here:

PortfolioProduct/ServiceRelease TypeContent TypeURLTitleContext
Security, Compliance & Identity ManagementMicrosoft Entra IDUpdatedDocs
Security, Compliance & Identity ManagementMicrosoft Entra IDUpdatedDocs
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InfrastructureAzure DDOS ProtectionUpdatedDocs Protection: View and configure DDoS protection alerts
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Application cost analysis in Microsoft Azure with cm-resource-parent tag

· 4 min read

Cost Analysis in Microsoft Azure allows you to analyse the cost of your services; these services can be scoped into Resource Groups, Resources and Services; you can also group your services by Tags.

Azure tags are name-value pairs used to organize resources. You can apply tags for individual resources, display show back or ownership and can be used for automation - but what assigning parent/child relationships to your resources?

Tags work well for most used cases, but there may be times when you want to get a more in-depth view of the service and dependencies - this is where the "cm-resource-parent" tag comes in.

Introduced in Cost Analysis preview, Q3 of 2022, the 'cm-resource-parent tag' allows you to Group related resources together - to help give you a quick view of the solution's total cost in a parent/child relationship. The 'cm' in the tag stands for: Cost Management.

cm-resource-parent Child Relationship

To use the cm-resource-parent tag, you must choose a parent resource (an example may be an App Service or an Azure Virtual Desktop host pool). No changes will be made to this resource, but you need the ResourceID of the resource to apply to Child resources.

To find the ResourceID of the parent resource, you can use the Azure Portal, by

  1. Open the resource that you want to be the parent of.
  2. Select Properties in the resource menu.
  3. Find the Resource ID property and copy its value.

You can easily use PowerShell to find the ResourceID as well:

$ResourceName = 'Parent Resource'
Get-AzResource -Name $ResourceName | Select-Object ResourceId

A resource ID looks like this (you will need to copy the full thing, this will be used on your child's resources):


Once you have the Resource ID of your resource, it is time to tag your Child's resources.

As an Azure Tag is a Key/Value pair - the tags will be similar to:


To apply the ResourceID of the parent resource, you can use the Azure Portal, by

  1. Open the resource you want to be the child of the parent you selected above.
  2. Click Tags
  3. Add in: cm-resource-parent in the value and the resource ID of your parent as a value.

Note: You cannot have a multi-hierarchy, i.e. a Parent, then Child and Child off that - it is purely a Parent and Child relationship at this stage. Also, the Resource ID will change if the Parent resources are moved to another Resource group or subscription.

These Tags can work easily with other cost management tags you may be using (but you cannot have more than one cm-resource-parent tag), so it doesn't replace but supplements your visibility. They are supported on any resource that is Tag-capable.

You may have to wait up to a day (24 hours) before the changes are visible in Azure Cost Analysis.

I have the Azure Naming Tool deployed in my example and would like to see the overall cost; these resources are deployed across multiple resources in the same subscription.

Choosing my WebApp as my parent resource, I tagged all child resources (App Service Plan, Container Registry, Storage Account) with the relevant tag and resource ID as seen below:

Azure Portal - Child resource

After 24 hours, I then went to the Cost Analysis (Preview) and selected Resources and could view the current cost of my service after a few days of use.

Azure Cost Analysis

And another example can be seen below - where I have added a Public IP as a child resource of the Azure storage account, which, although the parent in this relationship, is a child in the Azure Naming Tool.

Azure Cost Analysis

As you can see, the 'cm-resource-parent' is another way to group related resources of different types from a cost analysis angle; still, in preview, this tag opens up the door for various other initiatives across observability, security stacks etc.

Although not tested, you also should be able to output the resource ID of your Bicep code and add that as a variable for any resources deployed via Infrastructure as Code.

It's worth noting that this feature is still in Preview at the time of this article, so if you incur any bugs or have feature requests, you can use the 'Rate the Cost Analysis Preview' feature in the Azure Portal to supply feedback to the product teams.