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Official Microsoft Community Calls

· 2 min read

You don't have a be a Microsoft MVP to engage with Microsoft product teams, and help give feedback! One of the best ways that the Microsoft product teams engage with the community- is through Public Community Calls!

Here is a list of the community calls across Microsoft Azure products.

Azure Landing Zone Landing Zones news roundup and updates
Microsoft 365 Platform Community specifically Azure related, but related more to the M365/Modern workspace.
Windows Customer Connection specifically Azure related, but related more to the Windows OS (Operating System)
Azure Development Community Call Developers Community Call
Azure Governance & Deployments as the ARM/Bicep community call. Also features Azure Policy.
Cloud Security is a 'Private' community. Meaning that feedback for Cloud security products (Defender, Sentinel etc) is under NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement). A great community to get early feedback and testing, to help the products grow.
Azure ARM/Bicep Community Calls
Azure Arc
PowerShell Community Call

There may be other communities I have missed - so feel free to add links in the comments.

Up-to-date links to additional public Microsoft community calls can also be found on the AWESOME-Azure-Architecture list.