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Changing the Aion English Client to Korean

· 2 min read

Short fix:

  1.  Right-click on Aion in your Launcher game list
  2. Select Properties
  3. Change/update language

Long fix:

You are running a North American client from Europe and may need to reinstall the European client. Odds are you’ve been playing Aion since way back in the beginning. When you re-install, the version that gets installed is determined by your OS locale settings and Launcher Options. It will take a while, but you will need to remove Aion completely from the Launcher and from your PC and start from square one with the installation. If you have a decent speed internet, this shouldn’t take all too long unless you do it during prime time.

Remove English files fix:

  1. Delete the language files in your installation folder AionL10N
  2. Make sure your Launcher’s regional settings are correct
  3. Make sure that your Aion language settings in the Launcher are correct
  4. Restart the Launcher completely & let it patch the correct language files.

Re-install only in Launcher fix:

  1. Remove Aion from your launcher by right-clicking and choosing “Uninstall”. Do not remove your game files – only remove it from the Launcher.
  2. Restart the Launcher.
  3. Right-click on Aion (should now be displayed as “Not installed”) and choose “Install”.
  4. Customize the installation so that all language settings are correct and point it to your Aion game folder from the previous installation.
  5. The Launcher will now try to patch any missing language files & hopefully resolve your issue.

How to forcefully clear the Trash in Linux

· One min read

The Trash stores your recently deleted files and folders which you can usually Right click and clear to clear the Trash in Linux  – however I have ran into problems where even though you clear the Trash the files and folders you want deleted remain. Good news is that you can force the Trash to be cleared by using the Linux terminal.

  1. Open your Linux Terminal
  2. Copy these commands and paste them into the terminal and press Enter (this will clear the Trash completely – anything in the Trash is unable to be recovered)


rm -rf ~/.local/share/Trash

mkdir ~/.local/share/Trash

mkdir ~/.local/share/Trash/expunged

mkdir ~/.local/share/Trash/files

mkdir ~/.local/share/Trash/info


Note: Tested in Debian/Ubuntu variant – other Linux distributions may have the Trash location changed and you will need to find the Trash location on your Linux distribution.

Common Computer Boot Beeps

· One min read

Beep Code: Description of Problem:

No Beeps Short – No power, Bad CPU/MB, Loose Peripherals

One Beep – Everything is normal

Two Beeps – POST/CMOS Error

One Long Beep, One Short Beep – Motherboard Problem

One Long Beep, Two Short Beeps – Video Problem

One Long Beep, Three Short Beeps – Video Problem

Three Long Beeps – Keyboard Error

Repeated Long Beeps – Memory Error

Continuous Hi-Lo Beeps – CPU Overheating

How to Contact Blizzard Entertainment

· One min read

Billing and Account Services

Live Representatives Available Mon-Fri, 8am to 8pm PST

For phone assistance please call: 1 (800) 592-5499 || 1 (800) 59-BLIZZARD

*Australian users should call 1-800-041-378 if the above number doesn’t work.

*Singaporean users should call 1 800-2549-9273 if the above number doesn’t work.

From New Zealand, we need to dial a prefix to call international/USA 1800 numbers.

The format is: 0168 1 800 592 5499 (for the billing number, as an example)