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CPU Critical Temperatures

· 3 min read


AMD Athlon Series

AMD Athlon (socket) up to 1Ghz 90°C

AMD Athlon (slot) all speeds 70°C

AMD Athlon Thunderbird 1.1Ghz+ 95°C

AMD Athlon MP 1.33Ghz+ 95°C

AMD Athlon XP 1.33Ghz+ 90°C

AMD Athlon XP T-Bred up to 2100+ 90°C

AMD Athlon XP T-Bred over 2100+ 85°C

AMD Athlon XP Barton 85°C

AMD Athlon 64 70°C

AMD Athlon 64 (Socket 939, 1.4 volts) 65°C

AMD Athlon 64 FX (sledgehammer) 70°C

AMD Athlon FX (San Diego + Toledo + Windsor) 63°C

AMD Athlon X2 (Manchester + Toledo) 65°C

AMD Athlon X2 (Windsor) 70°C-72°C (1.35v – 1.25v)

AMD Athlon X2 (Brisbane) 78°C (1.25v)

AMD Phenom

AMD Phenom 70°C

AMD Phenom X3 70°C

AMD Phenom X4 (9100, 9750, 9850) 61°C

AMD Phenom X4 (9550, 9650) 70°C

AMD Sempron

AMD Sempron (T-bred/Barton core) 90°C

AMD Sempron (Paris core) 70°C

AMD Sempron (Manila) 69°C – 78°C

AMD Sempron (Sparta) 65°C – 75°C

AMD Sempron (Sargus) 63°C

AMD Mobile Sempron 95°C

AMD Athlon II

Athlon II X2 (Regor) 72°C – 81°C

Athlon II X3 (Rana) 71°C – 75°C

Athlon II X4 (Propus) 70°C – 72°C

AMD Phenom II

Phenom II X2 (Callisto) 70°C

Phenom II X3 (Heka) 72°C

Phenom II X4 (Denab) 62°C – 71°C

Phenom II X6 (Thuban) 62°C – 71°C

Intel CPU’s

Intel Pentium D

Pentium D (Smithfield 805, 820) 63°C

Pentium D (Smithfield 830, 840) 69.8°C

Pentium D (Presler 915, 920, 930, 945, 960) 63.4°C

Pentium D (Presler 940, 950) 68.6°C

Intel Celeron Series

Celeron D (Prescott) 67°C

Celeron D (Cedar Mill) 69.2°C

Mobile Celeron 100°C

Intel Core 2 Duo

Intel core 2 Duo (Conroe E4300, E4400, E6300, E6400) 61.4°C

Intel Core 2 Duo (Conroe E4500, E4600, E4700) 73.3°C

Intel Core 2 Duo (Conroe E6320, E6420, E6540, E6550, E6600, E6700, E6750, E6850) 60.1°C

Intel Core 2 Duo (Wolfdale) 72.4°C

Mobile Core 2 Duo 100°C

Intel Core 2 Extreme

Intel Core 2 Extreme (Conroe) 60.4°C

Intel Core 2 Extreme (Kentsfield Q6700) 71°C

Intel Core 2 Extreme (Kentsfield Q6600) 62.2°C

Intel Core 2 Extreme (Kentsfield QX6700, QX6850) 64.5°C

Intel Core 2 Extreme (Kentsfield QX6800) 54.8°C

Intel Core 2 Extreme (Yorkfiled Q9300, Q9450, Q9550) 71.4°C

Intel Core 2 Extreme (Yorkfield QX9650) 64.5°C

Intel Core 2 Extreme (Yorkfield QX9770) 55.5°C

Intel Core 2 Extreme (Hypertown QX9775) 63°C

Intel Itanium 2

Intel Itanium 2 below 1Ghz 66°C

Intel Itanium 2 1Ghz – 1.6Ghz 83°C

Intel Core i3 / i5 / i7

Intel Core i3 (Clarkdale) 72.6°C

Intel Core i3 (Sandy-Bridge) 65°C – 69°C

Intel Core i5 (Clarkdale) 72.6°C

Intel Core i5 (Clarkdale) (Model 661) 69.8°C

Intel Core i5 (Lynfield) 72.7°C

Intel Core i5 (Lynfield) (Model 750s) 68.9°C

Intel Core i5 (Sandy-Bridge) 69°C – 73°C

Intel Core i7 (Lynfield) 69°C – 73°C

Intel Core i7 (Gulftown) 67.9°C

Intel Core i7 (Sandy-Bridge) 72.6°C

Intel Core i7 Extreme (Bloomfield) 67.9°C

Deactivating Windows XP

· One min read

Deactivating Windows XP can be useful especially when moving the Windows XP install from one computer to another as it makes Windows activation easier and more automated.

Follow the simple guide below to make the necessary Registry change to deactivate your Windows XP version.

Deactivating Windows XP

  1. Click Start
  2. Click Run
  3. Type ‘regedit
  4. Navigate to
  5. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Microsoft/WindowsNT/Current Version/WPAEvents
  6. Doubleclick OOBETimer, when the box comes up, change the LAST TWO HEX VALUES to nulls(00 00)

Reactivating Windows XP

  1. Click Start
  2. Click Run
  3. Type “c:\windows\system32\oobe\msoobe.exe /a
  4. Press Enter

Disable New Hardware Wizard in Windows XP to Enable Automatic Device Driver Installation

· One min read

Want to skip straight to automatic hardware installation? Follow the instructions below to edit the registry.

  1. Click Start
  2. Click Programs
  3. Click Accessories
  4. Click Notepad
  5. Copy the script below:



[HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwarePoliciesMicrosoftWindows NTDriver Signing]

[HKEY_USERS.DEFAULTSoftwarePoliciesMicrosoftWindows NTDriver Signing]

  1. Paste into Notepad
  2. Click File
  3. Click Save As
  4. Name the file “DisableHardware.bat
  5. Run the file & accept all changes.

Export & Import Windows XP Theme

· One min read


  1. Right-click the desktop
  2. Select Properties
  3. Go to the Themes tab
  4. Select your theme
  5. Click the Save As button
  6. Save the file to the My Documents folder (or folder of your choice)
  7. Navigate to the saved theme location ie My Documents
  8. Locate your theme
  9. Copy it to a floppy disk or USB thumb drive.


  1. Right-click the desktop and select Properties
  2. On the Themes tab, click the Theme drop-down list and select Browse.
  3. In the Open Theme dialog box, access the My Documents folder, locate your theme file, and double-click it.
  4. Click OK to load the new theme and close the Display Properties dialog box.

How to create a Windows XP Picture Screensaver

· One min read

How to create a Windows XP Picture Screensaver

  1. Right-click an empty spot on your desktop and then click Properties.
  2. Click the Screen Saver tab.
  3. In the Screen saver list, click My Pictures Slideshow.
  4. Click Settings to make any adjustments
  5. Click OK.
  6. Click the Preview button to see how it will look.
  7. Click OK if you are happy with the results.