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Fedora “No More Mirrors” error

· One min read
  1. Open a Terminal
  2. Type:  yum clean all (Press Enter)
  3. Type: yum check-update (Press Enter)
  4. Now attempt to install the package you were trying to install again.

How to remove Java from OSX

· One min read
  1. Open Terminal (/Utilities/Terminal)
  2. Type in: sudo rm -rf /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/
  3. Press Enter

Tested in 10.5.8

How to Normalize Audio in VLC Media Player

· One min read
  1. Open  VLC Media Player
  2. Click Tools
  3. Preferences
  4. Select Audio on the left hand settings pane.
  5. Check “Normalize Volume” box
  6. Set the normalize volume to: 1.6
  7. Click Show All Settings down the bottom of the dialog.
  8. Click Audio and select Filters
  9. Check Volume Normalizer
  10. Click Filters and click Volume Normalizer
  11. Set Number of Audio Buffers to: 10 and set the Maximal Volume Level to** 1.6**
  12. Click Save
  13. Restart VLC Media Player

Skryim crashes when making new game Fix

· One min read

Having issues with Skyrim, when you attempt to make a new game and it crashes? This is how I fixed it.

  1. Click Start
  2. Click Control Panel
  3. Click Sound (Hardware and Sound)
  4. Click on the Sound tab up the top.
  5. Select your default Sound playback device and click Properties.
  6. Click on Advanced
  7. Set the Default Format to: 44.1khz 16bit
  8. Click Ok

How to Print life Sized Template From Google Sketchup

· One min read

Make sure that the Sketchup Camera mode is set to Parallel Projection and make sure that the all the standard Camera views are displayed (without these set right Google Sketchup will not print to scale).

  1. Click Print
  2. Uncheck Fit to Page
  3. Uncheck Use Modem Extents
  4. Set the scale so that 1 inch equals the inches in your Sketchup Project.
  5. Print