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Windows Vista continuous restarts installing updates

· One min read

One of the common causes of Windows Vista problems is due to Windows Updates; especially when it forces the computer to continuously restart follow the prompts below to repair.

  1. First off, you need a Windows Vista DVD or related CD/DVD you can access the files on the Windows installed partition.
  2. Using the Windows Vista DVD as an example you need to Boot from the DVD
  3. Once the Windows Vista DVD displays the first dialog Window giving you the options to install click Repair My Computer (below the Install).
  4. Select the Windows Vista installation you would like to edit (you would usually only have one).
  5. You should now have the Windows System Recovery dialog window, click Command Prompt.
  6. Once you are greeted with a blinking cursor type: del c:WindowsSoftwareDistribution > Press Enter
  7. This will delete the folder that contains all the temp files for Windows Updates (it will regenerate itself, so safe to delete).
  8. Now typecd Windows
  9. Typecd winsxs
  10. Typedel pending.xml > Press Enter
  11. Now restart your computer, it should now load Windows properly.

Vodafone NZ APN Settings

· One min read

For use setting up Phones, inc iPhones to the Vodafone network



MMS Proxy:

Turning On/Off Windows 7 Accessibility Options

· One min read

If your like me and get annoyed with the virtual keyboard popping up out of nowhere follow the instructions below, or maybe you just want to enable them for a better computer experience.

Digital Keyboard

  1. Click Start
  2. Click Control Panel
  3. Click Ease of Access
  4. Go into the Ease of Access Centre
  5. Choose Use the computer without a mouse or keyboard.
  6. Check or uncheck the box for Use On-Screen Keyboard.
  7. Click Save

How to turn off Narator Windows 7

  1. Click Start
  2. Click Control Panel
  3. Click Ease of Access
  4. Go into the Ease of Access Center
  5. Select Explore all Settings
  6. Choose Use the computer without a display
  7. Uncheck the checkbox by Turn on Narrator and click Save