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Network Cat5 Wiring Guide

· One min read

Straight Through/Patch Cable

Both ends are the same.

  • Orange-White
  • Orange
  • Green-White
  • Blue
  • Blue-White
  • Green
  • Brown-White
  • Brown

Crossover Cable

  • Green-White
  •  Green
  • Orange-White
  • Blue
  • Blue-White
  • Orange
  • Brown-White
  • Brown

Navigation to the webpage has been cancelled

· One min read
  1. Click Start
  2. Right click Internet Explorer
  3. Left click Properties
  4. Click on the Advanced Tab
  5. Left click Restore Defaults
  6. Close Internet Explorer
  7. Reopen Internet Explorer and attempt to load the webpage again.

If that didn’t work make sure that you don’t have InternetServiceOffers as a scheduled task.

  1. Click Start
  2. Click Control Panel
  3. Click Administrative Tools
  4. Click Task Manager
  5. Look for: InternetServiceOffers/Registration
  6. If you can find them then delete them.

Cannot delete Slingshot Webmail Quota filled

· One min read
  1. Log into Slingshots webmail
  2. Click on Options (top menu)
  3. Click on Deleting and Moving Messages
  4. UncheckWhen deleting messages, move them to your Deleted Items folder instead of marking them as deleted?”
  5. Click Save Options
  6. Now you can delete messages and they will appear with a line through them. Click Purge Deleted Options (right hand top menu) to erase.

Warning using this method will delete any emails you delete without away to recover them.