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Google Apps – Share documents outside domain

· One min read
  1. Login to your Google Apps admin
  2. Click on Manage This Domain
  3. Click Service Settings
  4. Click Documents (or Drive if you have Google Drive enabled on the domain)
  5. Check “Users can publish document to the public internet”
  6. Click Save


Note: If you are having issues with this not working, make sure that the when the document, ie a Powerpoint document is set to be shared with the public when adding it to your site article.

Note: It has also been reported by various sources that this was a bug and if you were running the free version you could activate a trial to the enterprise/paid version of Google Apps, check the box as above and then remove the trial. If you have the paid version, contact Google Support if you are having issues.

Install Ubuntu netbook edition

· 2 min read

Note: Be best to be plugged into the Internet (through Ethernet) to make sure latest updates are installed and downloaded while running the install.

_Note: Early 2011/As of 11.04 Ubuntu “folded” the Netbook Edition into the normal installation instead of having it separate. _


  1. Download Ubuntu (tested with 12.04)
  2. Burn
  3. Boot
  4. Install Ubuntu
  5. Wait till it loads the set-up into PC’s RAM
  6. Click next
  7. Select your partition information (warning this could and will erase your data if something goes wrong)
  8. Click next
  9. Double check settings and click Install now
  10. Select your region
  11. Click Next
  12. Select your keyboard layout
  13. Click Next
  14. You will be noticing the progress bar below, it is installing at the same time as you are setting up the installation to your own preferences
  15. Enter in your Username and password (you must enter in a password, this will also be your root password)
  16. Click Continue
  17. Select your User Account profile picture and select Continue
  18. Wait for Ubuntu to finish installing (10-20 minutes to install.)
  19. Click Restart Now
  20. When prompted remove the Ubuntu CD/DVD from the drive and press Enter
  21. The PC then restarts and will load the Ubuntu OS


Away you go! Ubuntu should have automatically changed its resolution depending on your screen size, whether small net-book or large monitor.

Borderlands 2 XINPUT1_3.dll

· One min read

“Missing file XINPUT1_3.dll” error while trying to load Borderlands 2 on PC?


  1. Update your DirectX to the latest version
  2. Install Steam (if not installed, it will install XINPUT1 and dependencies)

Vodafone New Zealand Phone Settings

· One min read

These settings are used for setting up Chinese/foreign phones onto the Vodafone NZ network.

APN (Access Point Name)   – WAP/PXT -Email/DATA


IP/Internet Protocol Address: (Not needed for 3G phone) – Only to be used if above doesn’t work.


Port/Port Number:

9201, 09201


Home/Start Page:


Connection Type/Access Method:




Leave field blank (Not needed)



Leave field blank (Not needed)


MMS Server/MMS Relay: – Only to be used if above doesn’t work.



Get mobile specific setup for supported phones at

How to disable automatic restarts in Windows 7 due to Windows Updates

· One min read


  1. Click Start
  2. In the search field type: regedit
  3. Click the regedit.exe result to open Registry Editor
  4. Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Polices/Microsoft/Windows
  5. Right click an empty space in the right area and select New
  6. Click Key
  7. Name the new key: WindowsUpdate
  8. Right click the new WindowsUpdate key
  9. Select New
  10. Click Key
  11. Name the new key: AU
  12. Select the key key and right click and empty area
  13. Select New
  14. Click DWORD (32-bit) value
  15. Name the DWORD: NoAutoRebootWithLoggedOnUsers
  16. Right click NoAutoRebootWithLoggedOnUsers
  17. Select Modify
  18. Enter “1” in the value box
  19. Click Ok
  20. Close regedit

Restart your computer and Windows should no longer restart due to automatic Windows Updates