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How to open a Brother DP-550CJ Printer

· One min read

What you will need

  • Small Flat-Head Screwdriver

  • Philips Screwdriver

    1. Undo the clips at the front, one on each side and lift the plastic panel up slightly.
    2. Take the top plastic cover off, revealing the Ink Cartridge area using a Flat-Head Screwdriver gently lift the clips on either side up and gently lift the plastic casing up.
    3. Remove the two Copper Screws on the top of the back part of the printer.
    4. Once removed, gently lift the top chassis off.
    5. You should now have unfettered view of the keyboard, undo the latches on each side.
    6. Slide the keyboard towards you and gently lift it up out of place.

Windows Update Error 66a or 0x8007066A

· One min read
  1. Click Start
  2. Click Control Panel
  3. Click Uninstall a Program/Add and Remove Programs
  4. Go down the list and find Net Framework 4 Client Profile
  5. Right click Net Framework 4 Client Profile and select Change/Repair.
  6. Select Repair

The Net Framework will then go through and repair its files and registry entries, once completed restart your windows machine and attempt Windows Update again.

AppHangXPro Internet Explorer 9

· One min read

This issue commonly occurs on websites such as Facebook and Internet Explorer 9

  1. Open Internet Explorer 9
  2. Click Tools
  3. Click Internet Options
  4. Click on the Security Tab
  5. Uncheck Protected Mode
  6. Click Ok

Restart your browser and attempt to use the website that was having the HangXPro error before.

Error 921 Installing Android Apps

· One min read

Attempting to install applications from the Google Store and getting Error 921? I got this after several OS reinstalls on my phone and installing the same apps several time.

  1. In order to fix this, you need to go into Settings
  2. Accounts
  3. Remove your Google Account
  4. Then re-add your account

Now you should be able to download and install the applications you are after.