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Windows Update Error 0x800f081f

· 2 min read

This problem is generally caused by corrupted/damaged DNS Cache. Follow the instructions below to repair.

  1. Click Start
  2. Click All Programs/Programs
  3. Click Accessories
  4. Right click Command Prompt select Run as Administrator
  5. Type in:_ ipconfig /flushdns_
  6. Press Enter
  7. Restart your computer and attempt Windows Update.

If the above doesn’t work then you can bypass the problem by assigning your own DNS server , such as Google DNS.

  1. Click Start
  2. Click Control Panel
  3. Click Network/Network & Sharing Center
  4. Click Change Adapter Settings (on the left hand side)
  5. Right click Local Area Connection (if you are using wired method of connecting – if not select Wireless Connection)
  6. Select Properties
  7. Click Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)
  8. Click Properties
  9. Select Use the following DNS server addresses
  10. Type in: and on the second line
  11. Click Ok
  12. You are now routing your computers DNS through google’s servers instead of the service offered by your Internet Service Provider. Depending on who and where you are – you might notice a slowdown in internet browsing or a speed up – this is normal.
  13. Restart your computer and attempt Windows Update.

Windows XP Startup Batch Script

· One min read

Save the following into a notepad document and name it with .bat at the end – for example WinXPStartup.BAT. You can then run the batch script directly from the recovery console on a Windows XP CD.

<br /> @echo off<br /> CD ..<br /> ATTRIB -H C:boot.ini<br /> ATTRIB -S C:boot.ini<br /> ATRIB -R C:boot.ini<br /> del boot.ini<br /> BOOTCFG /Rebuild<br /> CHKDSK /R /F<br /> FIXBOOT<br />

Repair Windows Explorer start-up

· One min read

This usually occurs if Viruses or Spyware has infected explorer.exe and changed the registry entry to stop it from starting.

  1. Click Start (orb)
  2. Type in: regedit
  3. Press Enter
  4. Navigate to:  HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionwinlogon
  5. Double click the Shell entry
  6. Make sure it is set to: Explorer.exe
  7. Press Ok
  8. Restart your computer


If the above doesn’t work attempt a system restore by pressing F8 during Windows Vista boot to bring up the Boot Menu and select Startup Repair.


Note: Tested with Windows Vista – ok

Note: Also may work on Windows 7 – though I haven’t personally tested this.

Ubuntu – Out of range

· One min read

This issue is commonly caused by the screen resolution settings in Ubuntu becoming too high for the actual monitor. This guide is written with the Ubuntu Live CD and version 12.10 in mind.

  1. During start-up select your language when prompted.
  2. Press F6 (Other Options)
  3. At the end of the command line type: vga=791
  4. Press Enter

Ubuntu should now boot with a resolution of 1024 by 768 (32bit). Click “here” for a Wikipedia link to other Video display choices.

If that doesn’t work:

Start the Live CD process

  1. Unplug the VGA port for the monitor for about 5 minutesallowing Ubuntu to properly start.
  2. Plug the monitor back in and Ubuntu should automatically select the right resolution and display.

How to hide PHP errors on a WordPress installation

· One min read
  1. Using an FTP client – such as Filezilla log in to your website.
  2. Navigate to your WordPress directory
  3. Right click wp-config.php
  4. Select Edit
  5. Add:  _@ini_set(‘display_errors’, 0); _to the wp-config document – up the top is fine.
  6. Now save the document, your FTP client should now upload the changes and any PHP errors you may be displaying will be hidden.