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How to remove Applications from the application list on the Play Store

· One min read
  1. On your Android – open the Play Store.
  2. Click Menu
  3. Click My Apps
  4. On the left – select All
  5. Select the Application you would like to remove and select – “Remove (app name) from my Apps”
  6. Click Ok
  7. Now on the Google Play website – under your Applications the application you removed should be removed from the list.

Windows Vista – Not loading Control Panel

· One min read

Having problems when you try opening the Vista Control panel and all you see is the outline of the window?

Follow the instructions below to repair it.

  1. Left Click the Vista “Orb”

  2. Left Click All Programs

  3. Left Click Accessories

  4. Left Click Notepad

  5. Copy & paste the following into Notepad (To copy, select the text below and click Copy. To paste, right click on where you would like to paste it and select Paste)

net stop readyboost

net stop slsvc

net start slsvc

net start readyboost


  1. Click File

  2. click Save

  3. Save the file as “ControlPanelFix.bat” and close Notepad

  4. Run the ControlPanelFix.bat file.

Note: You can also try accessing parts of Control Panel by going to Computer, and in the left hand pane, select Control Panel

How to add users to the Remote Computers local Administrators groups

· 2 min read
  1. First you need to download – PSEXEC – a command line tool that will allow you to execute commands on remote workstations.

  2. Once downloaded open My Computer/Computer and navigate to: C:\Windows\System32 on your local machine.

  3. Extract the zip file contents to the System32 folder (this will allow you to run the psexec command from any folder within Command Prompt).

  4. Navigate to your Documents or Desktop and create a new txt file called: computernames.txt

  5. In the computernames.txt document – add (one in each new line) the computer names that you will like to add the user to the Administrators group of.

  6. Once they have been added – save the time with the computer names.

  7. Now we need to create a batch script – open a new Notepad document and in the first line type:

    PSEXEC.EXE @computernames.txt NET LOCALGROUP Administrators DOMAIN**USERID** /ADD

  8. Replace – DOMAIN & USERID with the user you would like to add.

  9. Press File and click Save As and type in: “addusers_multiple.bat”

  10. This will save the file as a batch script

  11. Now – run the script to start importing the users into the remote computers local administrators group.

Note: Proper syntac allows for the group name to be set like ” NET LOCALGROUP “Administrators” – however my test on a Windows XP workstation didn’t like the “” so I got rid of them – if you encounter an error with unable to find local group – re add them around the group name in the script.

Note: Tested on Windows 7 workstations without an issue.

How to setup delegation in VMWare Service Manager

· One min read
  1. Open VMWare Service Manager
  2. Open the managers People record
  3. On the left hand menu select Delegation
  4. Click Add – and add the user that you want to delegate approval to.
  5. Select Notify Delegate to send an email to the delegate so they are aware of the change. Make sure Activate Delegation is ticked.
  6. You have now setup delegation!