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Windows 7 – Authentication prompt for cached credentials in a domain environment

· One min read
  1. In order to fix this – you need to close all Internet Explorer windows.
  2. Open Credential Manager (start type in: Credential Manager)
  3. Under Windows Credentials – select & remove all associated Username & Passwords
  4. Once removed log the user out and get the user to login again.
  5. They should now be able to access the Intranet & Internet.

Note: I have come across this when the users – password has reached expiry so when attempting to login again the user is usually asked to reset his or her password.

Note: Also make sure the proxy details in Internet Explorer are set correctly for your environment.

Note: Also – Windows 8 compatible.

Windows 7 – How to delete users profiles

· One min read
  1. Click on Start
  2. Right click Computer
  3. Select Properties.
  4. Click Advanced System Settings.
  5. Under – User Profiles select Settings
  6. Choose the profile you would like to Delete
  7. Select Delete

Free Internet Explorer – Development Virtual Machines

· One min read

I have recently found a good web resource – 90 day restricted Virtual Machines, compatible with Hyper-V/VMWare & Virtual box that I thought I would share.

These Virtual Machines are intended for web development testing and include Windows XP machines running Internet Explorer 6 to Windows 8.1 machines running Internet Explorer 11 (as of this post).

  1. To access these Virtual Machines – go to: and select “Get Free VMs” to see the download list.

Note: This website also has a modern interface – with a lot of resources for webpage development in Internet Explorer. Useful for any webpage builder and is developed by Microsoft.

How to remove Applications from the application list on the Play Store

· One min read
  1. On your Android – open the Play Store.
  2. Click Menu
  3. Click My Apps
  4. On the left – select All
  5. Select the Application you would like to remove and select – “Remove (app name) from my Apps”
  6. Click Ok
  7. Now on the Google Play website – under your Applications the application you removed should be removed from the list.