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Unable to Remote Desktop into Computer

· One min read

There can be various reasons why people are unable to Remote Desktop into a Computer – one of the reasons could be they are not in the Remote Desktop users group on the local machine or the necessary services – for Remote Desktop connectivity aren’t enabled. Follow the guide below to make sure the services are fully enabled and up and running you can test one at a time.

  1. Open Run
  2. Type in: services.msc
  3. Click Action
  4. Click Connect to another computer
  5. Type in the hostname of the PC you are connecting to and press Enter to connect
  6. In the Services list navigate to the following and make sure they are started by double clicking to open the Services Property box –changing the Start-up type to Automatic and select Start:
•    Remote Access Auto Connection Manager
•    Remote Access Connection Manager

•    Routing and Remote Access

7. Once those have been changed navigate to the: Windows Firewall/Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) service and change Start-up type to: Disabled and stop the service.