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You don’t have authorization to perform action 'Microsoft.Resources/deployments/validate/action'

· 2 min read

You may be attempting to deploy an Azure Landing Zone, such as the Enterprise Scale Landing Zone and receive the following error:

You don’t have authorization to perform action 'Microsoft.Resources/deployments/validate/action'.

This is because by default, even if you have Owner right on an Azure subscription, and are a Global Administer, you are unable to assign rights at the root '/' tenant level, to be able to create new Management Groups and move subscriptions between them.

However, users who have the Global Microsoft Entra ID role can elevate rights to do this. There are a few steps to enabling this, including using Azure PowerShell to assign rights.

With an account with Global Administrator rights, do the following:

  1. Sign in to the Azure Portal

  2. Open Microsoft Entra ID

  3. Click Properties

  4. Toggle the 'Access management for Azure resources' to 'Yes'

  5. Click Save

  6. Open PowerShell

  7. Run:

  8. Login with your account, and make sure you are in the correct directory (if you aren't you can use Connect-Az Account - tenantid 'tenantidhere').

  9. Type:

  10. Copy the ID of the user you are logged in as, and run the following (replace the ObjectId to match the ID of your user):

    $user =  Get-AzADUser -ObjectId f53eaa59-0fc0-4103-b9cb-1650e3069da8
  11. Once the user ID has been stored in a variable, its finally time to assign the rights, run the following:

    New-AzRoleAssignment -Scope '/' -RoleDefinitionName 'Owner' -ObjectId $user.Id
  12. Give Microsoft Entra ID 10-15 minutes to replicate the Azure AD changes, log out and back in and you should now be able to deploy the Landing Zone.

Note: Remember to go back and change the toggle to 'Allow management of Azure resources' to 'No', or all Global Administrators of Microsoft Entra ID will be able to manage all Azure resources.

Once the Landing Zone is deployed, you should also remove your role assignment at the root level by running:

Remove-AzRoleAssignment -Scope '/' -RoleDefinitionName 'Owner' -ObjectId $user.Id