The specified service namespace is invalid EventHub
· One min read
When deploying an Event Hub using Azure Bicep, you may get the following error:
"code": "BadRequest", "message": "The specified service namespace is invalid. CorrelationId: 652cc73c-1fa7-450a-9788-b73ad6a818df"
This could be caused by the name of your namespace needing to meet the naming requirements.
For example:
The namespace identifier should adhere to the following naming conventions:
- The name must be unique across Azure. The system immediately checks to see if the name is available.
- The name length is at least 6 and at most 50 characters.
- The name can contain only letters, numbers, and hyphens “-“.
- The name must start with a letter and end with a letter or number.
- The name doesn't end with “-sb“ or “-mgmt“.
- Create Namespace, even though this article dates back to an API from 2021, the naming standards are still valid in the API for 2023-01-01-preview.
- Create Service Bus Namespace in Portal