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Remote assist Xenapp users

· 2 min read

Due to inconsistencies in Microsoft’s remote assistance and dual monitor technologies – there is an incompatibility between Server 2008 R2 and some Windows client operating systems – not allowing you to use Citrix tools to shadow and control XenApp sessions – follow the quick guide below to remote assist Xenapp users.


A way around this is to – publish Remote Assistance for Helpdesk and System administrator access.


Configure Remote Assistance in XenApp

  1. Lal Mohan ( ) has written a great blog post on setting this up – just follow the guide to configure Remote Assistance in the XenApp environment.

Using Remote Assistance & Citrix AppCenter to Remote Assist users

  1. Log into the Citrix Application Portal
  2. Launch Citrix AppCenter
  3. Select XenAppFarm
  4. Click the Users tab
  5. Find the user you want to connect to and check the Server they are on.
  6. Go back to the Application Portal and click the Remote Assistance application
  7. In the Type a computer name or IP address  – type in the Server name the user is connected to and press Next
  8. Select the name of the user you want to connect to and select Next to start the Remote Assistance.