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How to disable automatic restarts in Windows 7 due to Windows Updates

· One min read


  1. Click Start
  2. In the search field type: regedit
  3. Click the regedit.exe result to open Registry Editor
  4. Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Polices/Microsoft/Windows
  5. Right click an empty space in the right area and select New
  6. Click Key
  7. Name the new key: WindowsUpdate
  8. Right click the new WindowsUpdate key
  9. Select New
  10. Click Key
  11. Name the new key: AU
  12. Select the key key and right click and empty area
  13. Select New
  14. Click DWORD (32-bit) value
  15. Name the DWORD: NoAutoRebootWithLoggedOnUsers
  16. Right click NoAutoRebootWithLoggedOnUsers
  17. Select Modify
  18. Enter “1” in the value box
  19. Click Ok
  20. Close regedit

Restart your computer and Windows should no longer restart due to automatic Windows Updates