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Blank Device Manager in Windows XP

· One min read

The issue is caused by security permissions in the registry. This is how you fix it.

You must be logged on as a local administrator to perform this task:

  1. Click “Start“, “Run“, and enter “regedt32
  2. Maximize the “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE” window.
  3. Scroll down to “SYSTEMCurrentControlSetEnum
  4. With “Enum” selected click the “Security“, “Permissions” menu.
  5. Click “Add“.
  6. Add the group “Everyone” and the user “SYSTEM“.
  7. Select “Everyone” and check “Read  ONLY
  8. Select “SYSTEM” and check “Full Control
  9. Click the “Advanced” button at the bottom of the window.
  10.  On the Advanced window check “Reset permissions on all child objects…
  11. Click “OK
  12. On the warning dialog click “Yes
  13. Close the registry editor

This problem can also be caused when the Plug & Play service is not running. Follow these options below.

  1. Click Start then click Run type **services.msc **then click Ok.

2. Double-click Plug and Play.

If you receive a Configuration Manager message then click Ok

  1. In the Startup Type list, click** Automatic** & then click OK.

  2. Close Services.

5. Restart the computer.