Blank Device Manager in Windows XP
· One min read
The issue is caused by security permissions in the registry. This is how you fix it.
You must be logged on as a local administrator to perform this task:
- Click “Start“, “Run“, and enter “regedt32“
- Maximize the “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE” window.
- Scroll down to “SYSTEMCurrentControlSetEnum“
- With “Enum” selected click the “Security“, “Permissions” menu.
- Click “Add“.
- Add the group “Everyone” and the user “SYSTEM“.
- Select “Everyone” and check “Read ONLY“
- Select “SYSTEM” and check “Full Control“
- Click the “Advanced” button at the bottom of the window.
- On the Advanced window check “Reset permissions on all child objects…“
- Click “OK“
- On the warning dialog click “Yes“
- Close the registry editor
This problem can also be caused when the Plug & Play service is not running. Follow these options below.
- Click Start then click Run type **services.msc **then click Ok.
2. Double-click Plug and Play.
If you receive a Configuration Manager message then click Ok
In the Startup Type list, click** Automatic** & then click OK.
Close Services.
5. Restart the computer.