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STOP 0x0000007B(0xF78DA63C,0x0000034,0X x0000000,0x0000000 Blue Screen of Death Windows XP

· One min read

Trying to boot Windows XP and getting the STOP 0x0000007B BSOD?

This usually occurs when Windows is trying to repair/load from a SATA drive, without the appropriate SATA drivers. This is the way I fixed it, due to the fact that many BIOs are different they are generic instructions which should hopefully be easy to follow in your particular circumstance.

  1. Enter the Computer’s BIOs (Usually it is F1 or F2 at computer boot)
  2. Go into the HDD Section or an area indicating any Controller options (Using the Arrow Keys & the Enter button to navigate)
  3. Change the HDD controller from AHCI/SATA or Raid to ATA or IDE
  4. Restart the computer boot up or Windows install.