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How to create a mapped Network drive in Windows 7

· One min read

Follow the instructions to create a mapped network drive in Windows 7 without windows indexing like a local folder?

  1. Create a new folder for your network shares (ie c:Shared)
  2. Go into the folder you created and make a new folder  (ie c:SharedMovies)
  3. Now you need to link the library into the folder you create in the second step  (ie c:SharedMovies) by going into Documents and up the top click “Includes: 2 locations” and click Add and add the folder.
  4. Now go back to your original folder you created  (ie c:Shared) and delete the folder you made in the second step (ie c:SharedMovies)
  5. Now we make a link to link the folder to the remote folder and to do that we need the Command Prompt, click Start, Run type: cmd and press Enter
  6. Type in: mklink /d c:Shared remotemachinefolder and press Enter
  7. Now your Documents folder should include your remote folder mapped through the c:Shared folder you created earlier like it is a normal folder.

You have exceeded your profile space in Windows XP

· One min read

You need to make a registry file and load it to fix the issues causing this problem, follow the instructions below:

  1. Click Start
  2. Click Programs
  3. Click Accessories and click Notepad
  4. Copy and paste the following:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesSystem] “EnableProfileQuota”=-      “ProfileQuotaMessage”=- “MaxProfileSize”=-“IncludeRegInProQuota”=- “WarnUser”=- “WarnUserTimeout”=-
  1. Click File
  2. Click Save
  3. Save as: fix.reg
  4. Run the fix.reg
  5. Restart your computer

Microsoft Security Essentials won’t install

· One min read

Having problems and your trying to install Microsoft Security Essentials and it just won’t install? I have ran into this issue and this is how I repaired it.

  1. First, you need to download the Windows Installer Cleanup Utility
  2. Run the utility and select Microsoft Antimalware
  3. Click Remove
  4. Click Ok then restart the computer
  5. Attempt Security Essentials install.

No Sound in Adobe Flash Videos

· 2 min read
  1. Click Start
  2. Click Run
  3. Type in:  cmd.exe
  4. Press Enter
  5. Type: sfc /scannow

Wait for scan to complete, you may need your Windows CD/DVD for this if it needs to copy data from it.

If the above did not work, try the following below:

  1.  Open Notepad (Start, Programs, Accessories, Notepad)
  2. Select the text below and right click it and choose Copy.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY\LOCAL\MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsof\tWindows NT\CurrentVersion\Drivers32]





























































Click File and Save As 3. Save as: registry.reg 4. Save it as missing.reg 5. Run: missing.reg

If the above did not work, try the following below:

Another issue is due to some Wavemapper windows registry files. You need to open Registry Editor.

  1. Click Start
  2. Click Run
  3. Type: regedit
  4. Press Enter
  5. Navigate to:  HKEY\LOCAL\MACHINE\SOFTWAR\EMicrosof\tWindows NT\CurrentVersion\Drivers32
  6. Click on My Computer and on the right hand side click New/String Value and type: wavemapper then press Enter and type: msacm32.drv
  7. Click Ok and restart machine.

Speedometer for your Android Mobile

· One min read

Need a Speedometer with Acceleration and GPS info? The Sub Speedo app by AutoRad Industries is what you are after. This is how you can acquire this little nifty app.

Using your PC

  1. Click on this Google Play link
  2. To the left, click Buy (at time of writing it costs $2.70NZD)
  3. Enter in your payment details, click Ok
  4. Choose the Android device you want it installed to
  5. Your Android device will then start downloading the app immediately.

Using Android

  1. Click on Google Play (previously Android Market)
  2. Search for: Sub Speedo
  3. Select the Sub Speedo (written by: AutoRad Industries)
  4. Click Install/Buy (at time of writing it costs $2.70NZD)

At time of writing there is currently no idevice app available.