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A program on your computer has corrupted IE8 default search provider settings fix

· One min read

Nothing causes more frustration, then when your favorite Internet Explorer search engine keeps resetting. This is how you fix it.

” IE8 will reset the search provider setting to default setting of xxx search. IE8 will open the search provider dialog where you can change your search provider”.

  1. Close any instances of Internet Explorer you have open
  2. Click Start.
  3. Click Run.
  4. Type in regedit and press enter
  5. In the editor, expand and navigate to the following registry key: HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerUser
  6. Right click User Shell Folders
  7. Select New and then Expandable String value.
  8. A new value is added in right pane
  9. Type in AppData and press enter
  10. Double click AppData
  11. Under value data type in_** %USERPROFILE%Application Dat_a**.  Note: If there is already AppData in the right pane, double click and correct it to %USERPROFILE%Application Data
  12. Exit Registry Editor
  13. Open Internet Explorer

DCS A10 C Warthog Crashing Windows Vista/Windows 7

· One min read

Having random crashes on DCS A10 C Warthog? With Texture mismatches and Runtime errors? This is usually due to security permissions inside Windows.

  1. Click Start
  2. In the Search field, type: CMD. Then press enter.
  3. Type** bcdedit /set increaseuserva 3072** and press enter

You may need to temporarily disable UAC/run as administrator for this to work

If you wish to reverse this command back to default, simply use “bcdedit /deletevalue increaseuserva”

Retrieve Windows/Office Keys from Remote PC or External HDD

· One min read

Using a Windows utility called ProduKey you can retrieve the product keys for Microsoft Windows and Office.

  1. First click “here” to download (the link is down the bottom, you want the ZIP file)
  2. Open the saved file and extract to a folder that is easily accessible
  3. Open ProduKey.exe and it will automatically retrieve the product keys for the local machine.
  4. To recover the keys for another Windows installation, click File, Select Source
  5. Select Load the Product Keys from External Windows Directory and click Browse to locate the Windows directory you want to retrieve the keys for.

Note: Using this utility you can also recover the keys using a software hive and remote computers on the network (you have admin access to).

Note: Below are the command prompts commands to run the tool from the windows Command Prompt.

produkey.exe /remote Server01

produkey.exe /remotefile “c:tempcomputers.txt”

produkey.exe /regfile “F:WINNTsystem32configsoftware”

produkey.exe /windir “c:winnt” /shtml “c:temppk.html”

produkey.exe /remoteall

produkey.exe /remotealldomain MyDomain

produkey.exe /iprange

produkey.exe /stab “” >> c:tempprd.txt

produkey.exe /OfficeKeys 0 /WindowsKeys 1 /shtml f:tempkeys.html