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Cleanup your unwanted Azure resources on a schedule

· 12 min read

Cleanup your unwanted Azure resources on a schedule

Every few months, I get that dreaded email "Your Microsoft Azure subscription has been suspended" - this is due to creating resources, and leaving them provisioned, so I needed a method of deleting the resources I didn't need, or wanted to spin up for a few days. I also needed away to creating resources that can stay, either for learning or a demo, independent of how the resources were deployed into the environment (via the Azure Portal, Terraform, Bicep).

Naturally I went straight to Azure Automation and using PowerShell.

What I ended up with was a Runbook capable of EXTREME AZURE DESTRUCTION which was exactly what I wanted.

This script is provided as-is with no warranties or guarantees. Use at your own risk. This is not intended to be a script to use in Production, mainly test environments, as this WILL CAUSE massive destruction and irretrievable data loss... You have been warned.

I am not going to go into setting up Azure Automation, if interested you can refer to a few of my blog posts I have done previously that goes through the process:

The script named: Invoke-DakaraSuperWeapon, aptly named as a reference to the Dakara weapon from the TV series Stargate SG1 - a weapon if great power.

The Dakara superweapon was a Ancient device capable of reducing all matter to its basic elemental components, and/or restructuring it. Possessing the ability to pass through the shields of known ships it also functions (and has been used) as a devastating weapon to kill the entire crew of orbiting ships or wipe out all life on the surface of hundreds of planets at a time. "It is not only capable of destroying the Replicators but all life in the galaxy."

Azure Dakara superweapon

Using the latest Windows PowerShell release - 7.2 (Preview), this script is built around the following capabilities:

  • Delete ALL resource groups (without a specific Tag) under all subscriptions, under a specific Management Group
  • Delete all resources within those resource groups
  • Delete Azure Recovery Vaults and their backed up items
  • Delete any Azure policy assignments, assigned directly to any subscription under the Management Group
  • Delete any Azure RBAC role assignments, assigned directly to any subscription under the Management Group.

In my demo environment, I have a range of Management Groups, and 2 Azure subscriptions.

Luke's Azure Management Group structure`

For my purposes, I created a System Managed Identity from the Azure Automation account, and applied it to the: 'mg' Management Group as 'Owner' (Contributor will work, as long as you don't plan on removing the rights from the Azure subscriptions - theoretically, so could Contributor + User Access Administrator roles).

Again - this was created for my own environment - if you decide to run this, TEST IT! And Make sure it has as limited permissions as possible, potentially the Managed Identity will only have access to a specific test Subscription that you may not care about. I take no responsibily.

The System Identity will be used to execute the runbook.

I also needed a Tag (ie a Safe word) to save the Resource Groups that I need to remain, an example is a project I am working on, demo etc. This Tag is in name only - as Tags are Key/Value pairs in Azure - in this case I only cared about the Key (ie NotDelete) - what was in the value, didn't matter.

NotDelete - Azure Tag

Important: When importing the Runbook it is imperative that you Tag the Resource Group it is in, with your safe word! Or else could will be deleted!

The script has a couple of parameters:

ManagementGroupIdStringThe ID of the management group to delete resource groups under. WARNING: This script will delete all resource groups under the specified management group except for the ones with the specified tag. Make sure you have specified the correct management group ID, or you may accidentally delete resources that you did not intend to delete.
TagNameStringThe name of the tag to check for. WARNING: This script will delete all resource groups that do not have this tag. Make sure you have specified the correct tag name, or you may accidentally delete resources that you did not intend to delete.
RemoveResourceGroupsBooleanTrue or False, do you want to Remove the Resource Groups? True means it will, and False means it will skip the Resource Group deletion.
DeletePolicyAssignmentsBooleanTrue or False, do you want to Remove the Azure Policy assignments on the subscriptions? True means it will, and False means it will skip the Azure Policy assignment deletion.
DeleteSubRoleAssignmentsBooleanThis will need Owner rights (or User Administrator role) in order to remove roles from a Subscription. Make sure your rights are set to be inherited from a Management Group, before running this. True or False, True means it will delete the Subscription direct assignments, False means it will skip it.

As you can tell, you can enable or disable specific parts of the script, for example - if you just want to use it to clean up direct role assignments on your subscriptions, while not deleting Azure resources you can by entering True or False.

Initiate-DakaraSuperWeapon - Azure Runbook Parameters

When ran it will stream the Logs to the Azure Automation Log Stream, there is no waiting time or approval - it will just run.

Initiate-DakaraSuperWeapon - Azure Automation Log Stream

As below, you can see the Resource Groups get removed (at the time of this recording, I had a limit on the amount of parallel delete tasks:

Remove Azure Resoure Groups

# This runbook deletes all resource groups under a management group except for the ones with a specific tag.
Deletes all resource groups under a management group except for the ones with a specific tag.

This script deletes all resource groups under a specified management group except for the ones with a specific tag. It can also delete policy assignments and subscription role assignments if specified.

.PARAMETER ManagementGroupId
The ID of the management group to delete resource groups under. WARNING: This script will delete all resource groups under the specified management group except for the ones with the specified tag. Make sure you have specified the correct management group ID, or you may accidentally delete resources that you did not intend to delete.

The name of the tag to check for. WARNING: This script will delete all resource groups that do not have this tag. Make sure you have specified the correct tag name, or you may accidentally delete resources that you did not intend to delete.

.PARAMETER RemoveResourceGroups
If specified, deletes the resource groups that do not have the specified tag.

.PARAMETER DeletePolicyAssignments
If specified, deletes the policy assignments for the management group and all child subscriptions.

.PARAMETER DeleteSubRoleAssignments
If specified, deletes the subscription role assignments for all child subscriptions.

.\Initiate-DakaraSuperWeapon.ps1 -ManagementGroupId "my-management-group" -TagName "my-tag" -RemoveResourceGroups -DeletePolicyAssignments -DeleteSubRoleAssignments
Deletes all resource groups under the "my-management-group" management group that do not have the "my-tag" tag, and deletes the policy assignments and subscription role assignments for all child subscriptions.

This script requires the Azure PowerShell module to be installed. It also requires Owner rights (or User Administrator role) in order to remove roles from a subscription. Make sure your rights are set to be inherited from a management group before running this script.

param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "The ID of the management group to delete resource groups under. WARNING: This script will delete all resource groups under the specified management group except for the ones with the specified tag. Make sure you have specified the correct management group ID, or you may accidentally delete resources that you did not intend to delete.")]

[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "The name of the tag to check for. WARNING: This script will delete all resource groups that do not have this tag. Make sure you have specified the correct tag name, or you may accidentally delete resources that you did not intend to delete.")]

[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[switch][bool]$RemoveResourceGroups = $false,

[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[switch][bool]$DeletePolicyAssignments = $false,

[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "This will need Owner rights (or User Administrator role) in order to remove roles from a Subscription. Make sure your rights are set to be inherited from an Management Group, before running this.")]
[switch][bool]$DeleteSubRoleAssignments = $false

# Convert string values to boolean values
$RemoveResourceGroups = [System.Boolean]::Parse($RemoveResourceGroups)
$DeletePolicyAssignments = [System.Boolean]::Parse($DeletePolicyAssignments)
$DeleteSubRoleAssignments = [System.Boolean]::Parse($DeleteSubRoleAssignments)

# Ensures you do not inherit an AzContext in your runbook
Disable-AzContextAutosave -Scope Process

#Toggle to stop warnings with regards to Breaking Changes in Azure PowerShell
Set-Item -Path Env:\SuppressAzurePowerShellBreakingChangeWarnings -Value $true

# Connect to Azure with system-assigned managed identity
(Connect-AzAccount -Identity).context

# Write an initial log message
Write-Output "Initilizing superweapon...."

# Get the subscription IDs under the specified management group AND child management groups
function Get-AzSubscriptionsFromManagementGroup {
$mg = Get-AzManagementGroup -GroupId $ManagementGroupName -Expand
foreach ($child in $mg.Children) {
if ($child.Type -match '/managementGroups$') {
Get-AzSubscriptionsFromManagementGroup -ManagementGroupName $child.Name
else {
$child | Select-Object @{N = 'Name'; E = { $_.DisplayName } }, @{N = 'Id'; E = { $_.Name } }
$mgid = Get-AzManagementGroup -GroupId $ManagementGroupID -Expand

$subIds = (Get-AzSubscriptionsFromManagementGroup -ManagementGroupName $mgid.DisplayName).id

# Delete the policy assignments

if ($DeletePolicyAssignments -eq $true) {
Write-Output "Deleting management group policy assignments..."
Get-AzPolicyAssignment -Scope $mgid.Id | Remove-AzPolicyAssignment -Verbose
Write-Output "Deleting subscription group policy assignments..."

foreach ($subId in $subIds) {
Write-Output "Setting subscription context..."
Set-AzContext -Subscription $subId
Write-Output "Deleting subscription group policy assignments..."
Get-AzPolicyAssignment -Scope "/subscriptions/$($subId)" | Remove-AzPolicyAssignment -Verbose

else {
Write-Output "Skipping policy assignment deletion..."

# Delete the resource groups
if ($RemoveResourceGroups -eq $true) {
Write-Output "Deleting resource groups..."

if ($null -ne $subIds -and $subIds.Count -gt 0) {

foreach ($subId in $subIds) {
Write-Output "Setting subscription context..."
Set-AzContext -Subscription $subId

$ResourceGroupsfordeletion = Get-AzResourceGroup | Where-Object { $_.Tags -eq $null -or $_.Tags.ContainsKey($tagName) -eq $false }
Write-Output "The following Resource Groups will be deleted..."
Write-Output -InputObject $ResourceGroupsfordeletion

## Checks to see if a Recovery Services Vaults exists, the Recovery Services Vault and backups need to be deleted first.
$RSV = Get-AzRecoveryServicesVault | Where-Object { $_.ResourceGroupName -in $ResourceGroupsfordeletion.ResourceGroupName }
if ($null -ne $RSV) {

ForEach ($RV in $RSV) {
Write-Output "Backup Vault deletion supports deletion of Azure VM backup vaults ONLY currently."
#Credit to Wim Matthyssen for reference in the backup section of the script -
Set-AzRecoveryServicesVaultProperty -Vault $RV.ID -SoftDeleteFeatureState Disable
Set-AzRecoveryServicesVaultContext -Vault $RV
$containerSoftDelete = Get-AzRecoveryServicesBackupItem -BackupManagementType AzureVM -WorkloadType AzureVM | Where-Object { $_.DeleteState -eq "ToBeDeleted" }

foreach ($item in $containerSoftDelete) {
Undo-AzRecoveryServicesBackupItemDeletion -Item $item -Force -Verbose

$containerBackup = Get-AzRecoveryServicesBackupItem -BackupManagementType AzureVM -WorkloadType AzureVM | Where-Object { $_.DeleteState -eq "NotDeleted" }
foreach ($item in $containerBackup) {
Disable-AzRecoveryServicesBackupProtection -Item $item -RemoveRecoveryPoints -Force -Verbose
Remove-AzRecoveryServicesVault -Vault $RV -Verbose


## Checks to see if a Azure Resource Mover resource exists, as this need to be deleted first.

$ARM = Get-AzResource | Where-Object { $_.ResourceGroupName -in $ResourceGroupsfordeletion.ResourceGroupName -and $_.ResourceType -eq 'Microsoft.Migrate/moveCollections' }

Write-Output -InputObject $ARM

if ($null -ne $ARM) {

ForEach ($RM in $ARM) {
Write-Output "Azure Resource Mover collections exists."
Write-Output -InputObject $RM
$a = Get-AzResourceMoverMoveResource -ResourceGroupName $RM.ResourceGroupName -MoveCollectionName $RM.Name
Foreach ($b in $a) {
Write-Output -InputObject $b
# Remove a resource using the resource ID
Invoke-AzResourceMoverDiscard -ResourceGroupName $RM.ResourceGroupName -MoveResourceInputType $b.Id -MoveResource $b.Name
Remove-AzResourceMoverMoveResource -ResourceGroupName $RM.ResourceGroupName -MoveCollectionName $RM.Name -Name $b.Name -Verbose

Remove-AzResourceMoverMoveCollection -ResourceGroupName $RM.ResourceGroupName -MoveCollectionName $RM.Name


Write-Output "Deleting resource groups..."
$ResourceGroupsfordeletion | ForEach-Object -Parallel {
Remove-AzResourceGroup -Name $_.ResourceGroupName -Force
} -ThrottleLimit 20 -Verbose

# Remove the Network Watcher resource group - if remaining - in some scenarios the script left this RG behind.
# Get the resource group with the specified tag
$networkWatcherRG = Get-AzResourceGroup | Where-Object { $_.ResourceGroupName -eq 'NetworkWatcherRG' }
if ($null -ne $networkWatcherRG -and $null -ne $networkWatcherRG.Tags -and $networkWatcherRG.Tags.ContainsKey($tagName) -eq $false) {
Remove-AzResourceGroup -Name $networkWatcherRG.ResourceGroupName -Force -ErrorAction Continue -Verbose

# Write a final log message
Write-Output "Resource group deletion process completed."
else {
Write-Output "No child subscriptions found under the specified management group."

else {
Write-Output "Skipping resource group deletion..."

if ($DeleteSubRoleAssignments -eq $true) {
if ($null -ne $subIds -and $subIds.Count -gt 0) {

foreach ($subId in $subIds) {
Write-Output "Setting subscription context..."
Set-AzContext -Subscription $subId
$roleAssignments = Get-AzRoleAssignment -Scope "/subscriptions/$($subId)" -IncludeClassicAdministrators
Write-Output -InputObject $roleAssignments
# Loop through each role assignment and delete it if it is not inherited a management group
foreach ($roleAssignment in $roleAssignments) {
if ($roleAssignment.Scope -like "/subscriptions/*" -and $null -ne $roleAssignment.ObjectId -and $roleAssignment.ObjectId -ne "") {
Write-Output "Deleting role assignment..."
Remove-AzRoleAssignment -Scope $roleAssignment.Scope -ObjectId $roleAssignment.ObjectId -RoleDefinitionName $roleAssignment.RoleDefinitionName -Verbose -ErrorAction Continue
Write-Output "Deleting subscription role assignments..."


else {
Write-Output "Skipping policy subscription role assignments deletion..."

Using the Azure Automation schedule, I can then set this Runbook to run every Day, Week etc - knowing my environment will be fresh for my next project, learning exercise.

Getting Started with Azure Elastic SAN

· 15 min read

Today we are going to take a look at the Microsoft Azure Elastic SAN.


“Azure Elastic SAN is a unique cloud-native and fully managed storage area network (SAN) service. Combining SAN-like capabilities with the benefits of being a cloud-native service, Azure Elastic SAN offers a massively scalable, cost-effective, high-performance, and resilient storage solution. It can connect to a variety of Azure compute services, enabling you to seamlessly transition your SAN data estate to the cloud without having to refactor your application architectures.”

Azure Elastic SAN provides a storage solution that is highly scalable, cost-effective, high-performing, and resilient. It caters to various storage needs, whether you're migrating your on-premises SAN to the cloud or creating your application directly in the cloud.

As Azure Elastic SAN is still in the preview stage, as of 28/05/2023, it is important to note that its features and functionality may change before it reaches production. Microsoft continues to actively gather feedback from users and refine the offering to ensure a seamless experience when it finally becomes generally available. Request access to the Preview by filling out this form. This feature should not be used for production workloads until General Availability (GA).

Bytes, Blocks and Elasticity - Getting Started with Azure Elastic SAN

A Storage Area Network (SAN) typically comprises one or more physical appliances equipped with multiple drive bays, which are used to create volumes – it is considered a high-performance and low-latency connectivity storage solution.

The benefits of a SAN are:

  • Grow storage footprint independent of Compute
  • Low latency and high storage throughput
  • Cost efficient with massive scale.
  • Built for databases and IOPS-intensive applications.
  • Supports large virtualization deployments.

Introducing Azure Elastic SAN.

Azure Elastic SAN - Overview

With the Azure Elastic SAN, we can the elasticity of the Microsoft Azure block storage systems, to supply expandable block storage capabilities to workloads via iSCSI (Internet Small Computer Systems Interface), or services such as Azure Kubernetes Services through Azure Container Storage.

When looking at some of the benefits of an Azure Elastic SAN, over a traditional SAN, we will delve into several common user stories around SAN provisioning and capacity management, with key differences around time to deployment and skills required.

Azure Elastic SAN - User journey

Architecture and Components

The Azure Elastic SAN consists of 3 layers:

Azure Elastic SAN - Overview

The Elastic SAN

The Elastic SAN itself, the Elastic SAN consists of the control plane, where you create and manage your Volume Groups from. The Elastic SAN is where the resources are provisioned, and the Cost Management takes place (i.e., Tags on the Elastic SAN resource).

Volume Group

An Azure Elastic SAN can have up to 20 volume groups, the volume group is where your security, encryption, and data protection configurations get applied.

The volume group is where your Network Security rule and service endpoints are applied. Any settings or configurations applied to a volume group, such as virtual network rules, are inherited by any volumes associated with that volume group.

Azure Elastic SAN - Volume Group Network Security Rules


The volume in an Azure Elastic SAN is the actual storage, that gets delivered and mapped to your workload or service.

Multiple volumes can be a part of a single-volume group, or separate groups – depending on requirements, such as accessibility across different virtual networks.

Azure Elastic SAN - Volume

You partition the SAN's storage capacity into individual volumes. These individual volumes can be mounted to your clients with iSCSI. The name of your volume is part of their iSCSI IQD

Azure Elastic SAN - Volume

Deployment and Configuration

Now that we know what Azure Elastic SAN is, let's deploy it using the Azure Portal.

At the time of this article, the Azure Elastic SAN is only available in specific regions – and whether the SAN is capable of ZRS or LRS storage redundancy. As I am based in New Zealand, the closest region at this time to me is Australia East, this region only supports LRS so this is what I will be configuring.

If you haven’t already – as part of Public Preview, your Azure subscription needs to be enabled to provision Azure Elastic SAN.

  1. Login to the Microsoft Azure portal
  2. In the search box at the top of the portal, type in Elastic SAN, and navigate to the Elastic SAN resource page.
  3. Click Create Elastic SAN
  4. Create Azure Elastic SAN using the Azure Portal
  5. I will create a new Resource Group named: AzureElasticSAN-dev-rg
  6. I will name my Azure Elastic SAN: azelasticsan_aue (Name has to be between 3 to 24 characters in length, and may only contain lowercase letters, numbers, hyphens, and underscores (hyphens and underscores must be surrounded by letters or numbers).
  7. Create an Azure Elastic SAN
  8. Now we need to specify the base and capacity size, the base size will determine what your iOPS and throughput your SAN will support. It’s cheaper to go with, a lower Base size, and higher additional storage – but it will affect your IOPS and bandwidth. These values can be changed later (start with a minimum and increase as needed, as you can’t downsize) – I will set my Base as the minimum of 1 TB and add size of 1TB.
  9. Create Azure Elastic SAN - Resource Provisioning
  10. Click Next
  11. This is where we can create a volume group, click + Create volume group
  12. The volume group will be used to contain our volumes, I will name a volume group as demo
  13. I will then allow the volume group, to connect to my DevBox virtual network and set up a service endpoint, on my devbox subnet
  14. Create an Azure Elastic SAN - Volume Group 
  15. Click Create, and finally Review + Create to create your Azure Elastic SAN.
  16. Configuration

Now that we have an Azure Elastic SAN, it’s now time to add some volumes. We can partition the SAN's total storage into individual volumes, used for block storage.

A volume can only be part of one volume group, but you can have multiple volumes, across multiple volume groups – that equals the total size of the SAN (in my example 2 TB, the 1 TB Base size, and 1 TB additional capacity), however unlike the SAN – a volume can be Gigabytes in size.

A volume cannot be higher than the total allocated capacity assigned to the SAN.

Remember when you create a new Volume, you can increase the size later (but you can’t downsize the volume).

The volume name is part of your volume's iSCSI Qualified Name and can't be changed once deployed.

Azure Elastic SAN - Overview

  1. To create a new Volume, let's navigate to our Azure Elastic SAN.
  2. Click on Volumes (under SAN Management)
  3. Click Create a volume.
  4. We are going to give the volume a name, in this example I will go with: vol1
  5. For the size, I will select 500GB.
  6. Click Save
  7. Once the volume has been created, we can see the volume and the assigned volume group, including the size of the volume and the remaining capacity of the SAN.

Now that the SAN, Volume Group, and Volume have been setup – it’s time to connect to the storage.

In my demo environment, I have a Volume Group, assigned to a storage service endpoint on my devbox virtual network and subnet, so I will connect to the SAN through a Windows Server 2022 server, that is attached to the same virtual network.

Following this guide will set up a single path, for more production scenarios to achieve higher IOPS and throughput, and configure mulipathing using the Microsoft document ‘here’.

  1. To connect, we need to navigate to our volume, lets navigate to our Azure Elastic SAN.
  2. Click Volumes
  3. Click your volume, you want to connect to and select Connect.
  4. Microsoft Azure, gives us the PowerShell/Bash cmdlets to run on Windows and Linux. Copy the scripts, we will need to run both.
  5. Login to your Windows Server that you want to connect to the volume. If this is a new Windows Server, that hasn’t been configured to iSCSI – you will need to start the iSCSI Initiator service and set it to Automatic start.
  6. Open a PowerShell prompt as Administrator and run the Add Target command, you should have ‘Operation completed successfully’.
  7. Then run the login to target script.
  8. Connect Windows Server to iSCSI
  9. Once completed, you can confirm your connectivity, by opening up Server Manager and launching iSCSI Initiator, you should see 'Connected'.
  10. Azure iSCSI initiator
  11. Now that your iSCSI target has been mapped – lets create a volume we can actually use!
  12. Right Click your Start Menu and click Disk Management
  13. You should see an Unallocated Disk
  14. Azure Elastic SAN - Disk Management
  15. The unallocated disk here, is our 500GB Azure Elastic SAN volume, it’s time to initialize it, right click and select Create New Simple Volume, I will go through the defaults and now I have a new drive I can use within Windows
  16. Azure Elastic SAN - Windows mounted volume

Scalability and Performance

Now that we have provisioned the Azure Elastic SAN, and connected to it, let’s take a high-level look at the scalability and performance.

For performance, I ran a single threaded test on my 500GB iSCSI target using Diskspd, using the following parameters:

.\diskspd.exe - d60 - W15 - C15 - c128M - t4 - o4 - b8k - L - r - Sh - w50 f: \disk - speed - test.dat

The output was:

Total IO:

  • I/Os: 109,541
  • I/O per second: 1,825.30

Read IO:

  • I/Os: 54,547
  • I/O per second: 908.93

Write IO:

  • I/Os: 54,994
  • I/O per second: 916.38

The output does not directly provide the exact IOPS (Input/Output Operations Per Second) value, but we can calculate it based on the total number of I/Os and the test duration.

To calculate the overall IOPS, divide the total number of I/Os by the test duration:

  • Total IOPS: 109,541 I/Os / 60 seconds = 1,825.68 IOPS

Similarly, you can calculate the read and write IOPS:

  • Read IOPS: 54,547 I/Os / 60 seconds = 909.12 IOPS
  • Write IOPS: 54,994 I/Os / 60 seconds = 916.57 IOPS

Therefore, based on the given Diskspd output, the SAN is performing approximately 1,825 IOPS in total, with 909 IOPS for reads and 917 IOPS for writes.

Note: This was a very basic test, running on a Windows Server 2022 Azure Virtual Machine (Standard D4s v3 (4 vcpus, 16 GiB memory)), single threaded.

At the time I ran this test – the IOPS limit of the SAN was 5000, and bandwidth was 80. I highly encourage you to run your own tests. This was more intended as a baseline for reference.

Azure Elastic SAN - storage throughput

Pathping, reported 0 hops for DNS resolution, this Virtual Machine is in another Availability Zone from the SAN.

Azure Elastic SAN - Pathping

In terms of Scalability, a few things to note:

  • You cannot increase the volume size, while an active session (i.e., in use by a workload) is in use.
  • You can increase the Base and Additional size of the SAN, while sessions are in use.
  • The Additional size of the Azure Elastic SAN has to be less than the Base size (for example, you cannot have an Azure Elastic SAN with a Base size of 3, and an Additional size of 4).

Data Protection and Redundancy

At the moment, Azure Elastic SAN, only supports specific regions and configurations, for example in Australia East, the Azure Elastic SAN only supports LRS, so the volumes sit within a single datacenter, replicated across 3 storage stacks.

LRS (Locally Redundant Storage)

LRS is still decent in terms of resiliency but for those who are use to cross SAN replication - I expect, we will see ZRS start to become common place, as this service is rolled out.

ZRS (Zone Redundant Storage)

At the time of this writing, there is no Azure Backup Support, I expect this capacity to be released closer to GA (Generally Available). For day to day operations, I was able to enable the Volume Shadow Copies, which allowed me to go back to previous versions of files and folders.

Security and Compliance

Other than the usual filesystem permissions, you can use with your filesystems across Windows and Linux on the Azure Elastic SAN, there are built-in roles that can be leveraged for Azure Elastic SAN management.

Assigning least privilege operations or creating your own custom role is possible with Azure Elastic SAN, and roles such as Volume Group Owner will be key to how the SAN is architectured for an organisation.

Elastic SAN OwnerAllows for full access to all resources under Azure Elastic SAN including changing network security policies to unblock data path access.
Elastic SAN ReaderAllows for control path read access to Azure Elastic SAN
Elastic SAN Volume Group Owner                Allows for full access to a volume group in Azure Elastic SAN including changing network security policies to unblock data path access.

All data stored in an Elastic SAN is encrypted at rest using Azure storage service encryption (SSE). Storage service encryption works similarly to BitLocker on Windows: data is encrypted beneath the file system level. SSE protects your data and to helps you meet your organizational security and compliance commitments. Data stored in Elastic SAN is encrypted with Microsoft-managed keys, that are rotated frequently.

Integration with Azure Services

At the moment, Azure Elastic SAN supports, Service Endpoints only, Private endpoints are not yet available, but enabling service endpoints on subnet/s was easily done.

Connectivity to Windows and Linux machines, will be done through native iSCSI protocols, as the Azure Portal displayed when attempting to connect.

At the time of this writing, Azure Container Storage – connecting to Azure Kubernetes Service, can be leveraged by Azure Elastic SAN (Azure Container Storage is also in Public Preview).

Azure Elastic SAN - Azure services integration

Cost and Pricing

The Azure Elastic SAN is charged by the amount you provision based on units:

  • Base unit
  • Capacity-only unit

They are designed to offer a simple bulk provisioning experience while also providing flexibility to expand your data footprint.

The Base unit has a capacity of 5000 IOPs and a throughput of 80 MBps per TiB.

The Capacity only unit, on the other hand, allows you to provision capacity only without provisioning performance at a lower cost.

As a result, you can cost-effectively scale performance while migrating workloads from on-premises to Azure.

The total price of Azure Elastic SAN depends on the base and capacity scale unit (LRS and ZRS dependent).

Elastic SAN will need to be provisioned with at least one base unit of 1TiB. It is also important to note that the SAN-provisioned resources are shared by all volume groups and volumes.

Azure Elastic SAN - Provisioning Model

Azure Elastic SAN - Cost Management


I will cover a few titbits, I found in my discovery.

  • Authentication Failure – if you get ‘Authentication Failure’, when attempting to connect to your iSCSI target (Azure Elastic SAN Volume), from your Windows or Linux workload, make sure that the Volume Group has had the Service Endpoint enabled for the subnet and virtual network you are connecting from, by default all traffic is denied to the Azure Elastic SAN – this includes traffic from other subnets, the storage endpoint needs to be enabled on the subnet that hosts your virtual machines.
  • Persistent Login - When connecting to the iSCSI target (the Volume) this is a once off session, if your system is rebooted, the volume won’t automatically remap. You can set a Persistent Login, by replacing ‘LoginTarget’ in your iscsicli command to: PersistentLoginTarget (for example: iscsicli PersistentLoginTarget t 3260 Root\ISCSIPRT\0000_0 -1 * * * * * * * * * * * 0), then the next time you reboot your Windows server, the volume will be automatically mounted.

Updates and New Features

As this is a Private Preview service, there will be updates on functionality and features that I have gone through today and may have missed.

Azure Policy Inheritance

· 4 min read

Today, we are going to look into demystifying Azure Policy inheritance and how it works, so let’s do some testing.

In my tests – I have a single resource group named: AzPolicy-Test. This resource group has been placed in the Australia East region.

Now that we have a Resource Group to use in our testing, I need a policy – to keep things simple, I am going use the built-in policy of: AllowedLocations. This policy will allow us to control which region we can deploy our Azure resources into.

Scenario #1 – Policy assigned to the subscription with Allow Australia East ONLY

I have assigned my Azure Policy to a Subscription, that contains my AzPolicy-Test Resource Group. I have set the Allowed Locations to: Australia East.

Azure Policy - Allowed locations

Let us do some testing, and try to deploy an Azure Resource (in my example, an Azure Storage account) into my Resource Group:

Can I deploy to Australia East?Yes
Can I deploy to UK South?No

As you can see my storage account deployed into Australia East successfully… as expected!

Azure Portal - filtered by location

Now, lets try and deploy a Storage account into the same Resource Group, but in the UK South region.

As Azure Resource Manager is analysing and verifying the inputs give it – it now knows there is an Azure Policy – enforcing specific locations and preventing my deployment into the UK South.

Azure Storage Account - Deny UK South deployment

This is as expected, and even if I were to use another resource group – I still won’t be able to create resources in other regions.

Scenario #2 – Policy assigned to the subscription with Allow Australia East but another policy with Allow UK South only on the Resource Group

Now that we know, we can create resources in Australia East – lets assign the same ‘Allowed Locations’ policy to the Resource Group, but Denying Australia East, and Allowing UK South. The policy allowing Australia East will still remain assigned to the subscription.

Azure Policy - Allowed locations - UK South

Let us do some testing, and try to deploy an Azure Resource (in my example, an Azure Storage account) into my Resource Group:

Can I deploy to Australia East?No
Can I deploy to UK South?No

Azure Storage account deployment - Policy validation error

Azure Storage account deployment - Policy validation error

I can’t deploy to either UK South or Australia East, even though I have 2 separate policies, one policy allowing Australia East (deployed at the subscription) and one policy allowing UK South (deployed at the Resource Group).

In this case, the policies have worked together, with the most restrictive of them both in effect – which is Deny.


So lets review, originally you might think that like Group Policy – the last policy wins – this is not always the case, when conflicting policies are assigned at different levels, the policy at the highest level in the hierarchy takes precedence over policies at lower levels. When preforming a Modify or Create on a resource – the Azure resource provider checks with the Azure Policy engine.. When deciding what policy to take the Azure Policy engine, will analyze all policies together (like the above scenarius, where both deployment to UK South and Australia East were in effect - however the most restrictive won).

There are, however, various effects which are analysed first.

Azure Policy Effects

  1. Disabled is checked first to determine whether the policy rule should be evaluated.
  2. Append and Modify are then evaluated. Since either could alter the request, a change made may prevent an audit or deny effect from triggering. These effects are only available with a Resource Manager mode.
  3. Deny is then evaluated. By evaluating deny before audit, double logging of an undesired resource is prevented.
  4. Audit is evaluated.
  5. Manual is evaluated.

After the Resource Provider returns a success code on a Resource Manager mode request, AuditIfNotExists and DeployIfNotExists evaluate to determine whether additional compliance logging or action is required.

Remember that policy enforcement occurs during resource deployment or updates. Existing resources are not retroactively affected unless a manual remediation is performed.

The following Microsoft Learn documents are worth a read, if interested further.

Web Content Not Found on Azure Storage Account

· 2 min read

Azure Storage accounts can host static websites by opening up a public endpoint to an Azure storage container ($web), so anything inside of $web will be accessible publicly.

This can be enabled easily by toggling the Static website to Enabled.

Azure Storage Account - Static website

Once enabled, the Azure storage account will add a NEW endpoint - <storageaccname>.z*

Once you have enabled the static website functionality, a new container named: $web will be created; this is the root of your static website – and where your HTML or static website will go.

After you upload your website files to the $web folder.

Azure Storage Account - $web container

Add the index document name (i.e., index.html) and click Save.

Azure Storage Account - Static Website primary endpoint

If done correctly, your website should now show your website.Azure Storage account static websitev

If done incorrectly, you may get: The requested content does not exist.

The requested content does not exist

If this occurs, make sure:

  • There is no whitespace in the index document name.

Azure storage account - index.html

  • The Case matters, make sure if the filename is all lowercase in the container, then it’s all lowercase in the Azure storage account static website configuration.
  • Define a 404 page (the page that gets loaded) when attempting to browse paths that don’t match the index - make sure the site exists in a container and is added to the site storage account configuration, like the index document name.


  • If you don’t have a 404 page, you can have index.html as both.

Azure static web site - filenames

  • If you have a CDN (Content Delivery Network) in front of your Azure Storage account (Azure CDN, Cloudflare), you may need to adjust the access level of your Container from Private to: Blob (Anonymous). You shouldn’t have to adjust this usually, as the Access level controls the container endpoint access – not the static website endpoint.

Azure storage account - blob access level

Open multiple Microsoft Teams instances using PowerShell

· 2 min read

There may be circumstances, you need to open up multiple Microsoft Team instances, a reason for this - maybe to chat and join meetings across multiple accounts.

Microsoft are working on a version of Microsoft Teams that supports multiple-accounts, but until thats released - you can use a PowerShell script to open up another version of Microsoft Teams in another profile (or multiple, if you update the profilename).

This script also works within your LocalAppData, so you don't need local administrator rights to run.

# Uses the file name as the profile name
$MSTEAMS_PROFILE = 'CustomProfile'

Write-Host "- Using profile '$MSTEAMS_PROFILE'"

# Set the custom profile path
$USERPROFILE = Join-Path $env:LOCALAPPDATA "Microsoft\Teams\CustomProfiles\$MSTEAMS_PROFILE"

# Set the old user profile

# Launch MS Teams with the custom profile
Write-Host "- Launching MS Teams with profile '$MSTEAMS_PROFILE'"
Set-Location "$OLD_USERPROFILE\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Teams"

$teamsProcessStartInfo = New-Object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo
$teamsProcessStartInfo.FileName = "$OLD_USERPROFILE\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Teams\Update.exe"
$teamsProcessStartInfo.Arguments = "--processStart ""Teams.exe"""
$teamsProcessStartInfo.WorkingDirectory = "$OLD_USERPROFILE\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Teams"
$teamsProcessStartInfo.EnvironmentVariables["USERPROFILE"] = $USERPROFILE
$teamsProcessStartInfo.UseShellExecute = $false

[System.Diagnostics.Process]::Start($teamsProcessStartInfo) | Out-Null

# Set the user profile back to the old user profile

When the script is ran, a new profile will be created for Microsoft Teams, and then opened. You can then use that second Microsoft Teams instance, to connect to another account or tenancy.

To make it easier, you could also look at turning this script into an executable.