Windows 8 Hotkeys
Navigating around Windows 8 can be a lot faster and more efficient with the use of keyboard shortcuts called Hotkeys – the below guide is a list of Windows 8 hotkeys for navigating the user interface.
Windows Key – Opens the Start screen
Windows Key+Tab – Metro app switcher
Windows Key+C – System charms
Windows Key+Z – Application charms
Windows Key+I – Settings menu
Windows Key+K – Devices menu
Windows Key+H – Share menu
Windows Key+F – Search files on Start screen
Windows Key+Q – Application search on Start screen
Windows Key+W – Settings search on Start screen
Windows Key+. (Period) – Snap Metro app to the right side of the screen
Windows Key+Shift+. (Period) – Snap Metro app to the left side of the screen (only works on wide-screen monitors)