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Plug & Play Software Enumerator No Sound Win XP

· One min read
  1. Click Start
  2. Click Programs
  3. Click Accessories
  4. Click Command Prompt
  5. Type:  md temp | press Enter
  6. Now we need to change to it type: Type:  cd temp | press Enter
  7. Type:  copy %windir%infmachine.inf tempallmachine.inf (That will copy the “machine.inf to our newly created folder”)
  8. Type:  copy %windir%system32driversswenum.sys temp
  9. Typecopy %windir%system32streamci.dll temp
  10. Click Start
  11. Click My Computer/Computer
  12. Click on C:
  13. Navigate into Temp
  14. Right clickallmachine.inf
  15. Left click Open With, Notepad
  16. Click Edit
  17. Click Go To..
  18. Type in “22” > press Enter
  19. Select and delete: ExcludeFromSelect=*
  20. Click File, Save.
  21. Click Start
  22. Right click My Computer/Computer
  23. Left click Properties
  24. Click Hardware
  25. Click Device Manager
  26. Click Add Hardware (may be under ActionsAdd Hardware)
  27. Click Have Disk
  28. Browse to c:/Temp
  29. A list of devices should now appear select Plug and Play Software Enumerator and click Install