Windows Vista continuous restarts installing updates
· One min read
One of the common causes of Windows Vista problems is due to Windows Updates; especially when it forces the computer to continuously restart follow the prompts below to repair.
- First off, you need a Windows Vista DVD or related CD/DVD you can access the files on the Windows installed partition.
- Using the Windows Vista DVD as an example you need to Boot from the DVD
- Once the Windows Vista DVD displays the first dialog Window giving you the options to install click Repair My Computer (below the Install).
- Select the Windows Vista installation you would like to edit (you would usually only have one).
- You should now have the Windows System Recovery dialog window, click Command Prompt.
- Once you are greeted with a blinking cursor type: del c:WindowsSoftwareDistribution > Press Enter
- This will delete the folder that contains all the temp files for Windows Updates (it will regenerate itself, so safe to delete).
- Now type: cd Windows
- Type: cd winsxs
- Type: del pending.xml > Press Enter
- Now restart your computer, it should now load Windows properly.